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Can this tank be drilled? Please look I need to know!


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Hi, I am going to buy either an AGA or Perfecto 5.5g aqaurium to use as a nano sump. Does anyone know if these tanks can be drilled? Has anyone drilled one before? Which one should i get?


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Dan give it up.. you dont have to drill a 5 gal. sheesh.

what is yer facination with drilling a tank? Just do the 10 gallon and thats it.

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5 gals can be drilled. The glass is this though, so if you do, you have to be patient and very careful. Make sure you get a drill bit that can cut through glass and good lubrication (i feel that water works the best...(constant water pouring over the drill bit))

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It is not difficult to drill a 5 1/2. However, if its a one time shot it is usually cheaper to pay someone to drill it for you. I am also in St Louis and was going to offer to drill it for you. Did you take it to a LFS? I have had tanks drilled in St Charles at Tropics for a fair price.

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SINCE you are going to drill the 5,why not drill the 10 gallon too? You yourself said it would look neater. Im afraid your HOB overflow box is going to take up a lot of

space in your 10 gal (more than U realize). Since you have already bought it, you can sell the overflow on aquabid or on here.X)

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I am sure a diamond tip is best, but the ones at Home Depot for drilling ceramic will also work.

No matter who drills it, or with what type bit, make sure the size of the hole is compatible with your bulkhead. For example, a 1 inch bulkhead requires an 1 3/4 inch hole.

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Dave, Its too much of a hassle to empty my whole tank out and do all of that, I think ill stick with this.


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Dont drill a 5.5 gallon glass tank buy a cheap "Critter Keeper" plastic box for a sump. (5.5 gallon sump IMO is a waste of time but if your going to do it) Use the cheap plastic box. its way easier then worring about it and you can do it with a standard hole saw. Why would you need to drill a sump anyway unless you are using an external pump which I wouldn't dare on a 10 gallon tank? flows of 500+ (at a 4 foot head) gallons on a ten gallon tank is crazy. If the sump is above the tank and its an overflow a plastic box is good for that too! Plastic box makes good refugium too! :)


well thats my thoughts on it


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