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My new corals


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my first real corals! i just got my first corals (other then some little unknown polyps) today from anthony812! he shipped them from CA to me here in NC. i got a nice ricordia with purplish tentacles and a neon green body. it isn't even open all the way and it's about 4.5 inches wide! i also got a 4 inch GSP rock and a pulsing xenia frag. the xenia hasn't perked up yet but it looks like it's getting better. i am very happy with them anthony, thanks. i will get pics up when i can borow my friends digi cam.just thought i would share B)

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Sounds like some great corals. Just wait until they perk up in a day or two. :) I would definitely like to see a pic of that ricordea, as it sounds striking.

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Ok ok..guys..i wasnt sure if it was a recordia or Tonga Shroom...but its huge and beautiful...if it is a tonga shroom..it would worth a lots more cuz its hard to come by...i want to see my corals in Metz tank also! so go get that digi cam and get busy boy! hahah...

i guess i can be safe to say that i have done my first deal involving shipping a Success! well..i am going to frag more of my corals this weekend if anyone is interested ..let me know

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here is what i am going to frag this weekend or try to sell..hahahah..i am buying too much new/very expensive stuffs


so here it is:


1 yellow/white Capenella/Colt coral ($15) Large frag 3"+ tall (ask Matt (MKramer) he has a frag of it.

1 colony of brown button polyps ($12) Large frag..ia m going to divide my LR that is 8" across..will have at least 40 polyps on it.

1 colony of green button polyps ($12) smae as above

1 Large Bubble coral for sale..6"+ ($23)

1 large colony of neon orange centered zoos ($20) at east 50-100 polyps.

1 Purple Acropora SPS colony ($25-30) from Steve Tyree..many thick branches and its a large colony 3" x 4"

1 Green Tip Acropora SPS colony ($30-35) XXL..it actually has 2 colonies with many 10+ branches..5" x 4"

1 RARE! Joe Kelley's (i think) Blue/purple center /Yellow outside and polyp Scrol SPS coral..this is VERY RARE ..its a small frag 2" x 1.5" attached with nice growth (fast grower) ($30-35)

1 large LPS Branching Purple Torch with bright green tips ($25) with at least 5-6 heads.


let me know guys, as multiple buys will be discounted too..

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