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Top Shelf Aquatics

96 watt CSL Retrofit in NANO CUBE


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haha, thanks man, i'm supprised you replied so fast. yeah, you have the same kind as me, but i finally managed to get it off...the secret? close the hood and push like hell!!! seriously i managed to see how it worked with the T pin thing you were talking about and i saw that when the hood was closed is when the plastic nubs are the farthest down. i thought i would probly end up breking it but i knew i couldn't install all those lights and fans with the hood still on. seriously - you have to push so hard (or pull) then BANG!!!!! it comes off (that exact sound is made). amazingly i didnt break it :)

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woohoo!! i'm finally done!!! 3 lights and 2 fans. tomorrow i will start aclimating my corals to the extra light :) any suggestions on time periods? for how many days do you need to gradually bring up light time for the more intense lights? these lights are so much brighter. they put out much more white light than i expected, i'm a little dissaipointed that they dont have more blue, but it's all good, i'm just happy that my corals and anenome will have more watts :)

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I ended up sending the lights back to Drs. F&S last week for a refund. I think I'm going to hold out for the JBJ hood upgrade they will have out in 2 months. If you call Drs. F&S, you might be able to get the kit I sent back. Otherwise, I think they are sold out because Custom Sea Life went out of business.

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I basically started with a 56 watt setup first so I didn't upgrade all those extra 72 watts at once, that might be hard on your corals, maybe reduce your photoperiod to under 9hrs the first couple of days, since mine have had time to adjust to the 56 I took a week of a reduced photoperiod, now mines back to a 12hr day. Ok good luck, glad it worked out so well for you. I have a steady temp of 78.6 right now, been that way ever since the fans, before the fans I had a bit of fluctuation due to excessiev heat, luckily I'm in Ny it hasn;t warmed up yet. Today was only 70 degree. Ok good luck yes my RBTA and my hard corals love my new lights. lol B)

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  • 11 months later...

What did u do about the melting? I am running basically the same but with a stock 24w in tehre so 88w. My shield melted also. What did you do about it? I am looking at putting a blower fan where one of my sunons is. This sucker evaporates like a gallon a day (basically half of my sump).

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