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Cultivated Reef

9 Loong~New pictures~


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  • November 27 2011
    November 2011



  • Snowflake moray eel
    6-line wrasse

  • Elegance
    Wall hammer
    Branching frogspawn
    Branching Hammer/frogspawn hybrid
    Encrusting monti
    kenya tree



  • 4X24 Fishneedit T5, 2 actinic 1 daylight
    Koralia Nano
    DIY Tank, 24x12x7

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Looks great. I love the seams! Those raised edged will prove very helpful. Either put a light on it, put an overflow there or put on a lid.


Keep em coming!

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Moving the origional first post here, I HATE HATE HATEEE long first posts that I have to scroll through every time I get to the next page lol.

I finally went down to the glass shop today to get a quote and was quite surprised when the guy asked me if I had 15 minutes to spare, I asked if thats really how long the quote would take, and he laughed, "No! Thats how long the glass will take to cut! The quotes 40 plus tax, "

I was so surprised that they cut it for me right then and there! So, I headed to walmart got some silicone and a caulk gun and brought it all home!



  • 6349177368_eb5d7355c3.jpg
    Silicone and gun
    glass all wrapped up
    the glass shop put these in between the glass pieces to keep them from hitting each other, I used them to get 90 degree angles on the corners!
    all siliconed up, notice that the sides are a bit larger than the other pices, im not shure if that was my fault or the glass cutters, but this way I have something to set my light on, worked out in the end!
    ughignore my messy desk please.


NOTE: I did this inside with the windows open, I WOULD NOT recommend this. The fumes are really strong and I got a pretty bad headache from it,



Currently have a Fishneedit 4x24 t5 that im looking to sell for some leds if any one is interested!


Inspiration for this tank,

9 gallon shallow

waterfall concept

Ada 60-f


[this is the post that was originally here]




Looks great. I love the seams! Those raised edged will prove very helpful. Either put a light on it, put an overflow there or put on a lid.


Keep em coming!

Ha! you wouldnt if you were closer, there are a few that came out ehhhh....but all together it looks good c:

I was super bummed about the glass, and then I was like, oh, this could be a very good thing.. I love happy mistakes!



Not starfire glass huh? Also, how thick is that glass?


I wanted starfire, but the glass company wouldn't do only one( the front) pane, and for the whole thing, it would have been quadrupled the price!

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A question to throw out there, should I put some foam or cork under the tank? I ve seen some do it and others not, is there truth to it being safer that way?

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It reduces stress and stress cracks from the glass settling on the wood. Some type of foam mat is highly recommended. Preferably a full tank mat is best.

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It reduces stress and stress cracks from the glass settling on the wood. Some type of foam mat is highly recommended. Preferably a full tank mat is best.

Can I just use Styrofoam, or what?

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I guess that will work.


I used a foam mat. Pretty much anything firm and impact resistant would work.

Ok, Where did you buy yours?

Ive never used foam before, but Ive never made a tank before either :P

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I cant remember exactly.


If dont have anything, go to Ross or Marshall's and but a cheap yoga mat. Cut it to size and voila! You've got a nice tank mat.

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Pretty much just transferring most of my stuff from my 10g aga into this one, so the snowflake and the 6-line.

One of my rocks is going to stick out of the top of the water since this tank is so shallow, so im going to try to rig up a small waterfall since it has so many holes in it, it shouldn't be to hard to get some airline or some other tubing up there.


Im debating getting a clown only to see it host the elegance, which Is awesome to watch, or a blenny, i miss my stary blenny and his antics, or even a goby shrimp pair, although they might not mesh well with the snowflake.


I have a canister filter coming any day now that im going to throw some phosban in to get my byprosis under control(going to try mag dosing also, this stuff is straight from the bowels of hell, ive been battling it for almost a year.) and then leds are the next big purchase, also need to re beefup my cuc some where in there.


And two days ago I had to drop 150 on a new phone since I shattered mine, so money isnt in full swing right now. Were suppusto be getting a small october bonous some time soon from work though, which I need so baddd.

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Tanks looking good! I am in the process of building one as well, also inspired by iball's thread :)


Keep us updated, I'll be following along!

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Tanks looking good! I am in the process of building one as well, also inspired by iball's thread :)


Keep us updated, I'll be following along!



this is gonna be awesome


Thanks guys! Ill make sure to post some more stuff when I water test tommrow, im a little worried, some of the seams came out thinner than I would have liked, and there's one with a bit of bubbles, so fingers crossed.


Going to the artstore tommrow to pick up some stuff and im going to check to see if they have any foam

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Seano Hermano

I love DIY tanks! :happy: I really want to do one. I just don't have the space/funds for another tank right now. I'll save it for later.


What are the dimensions of your tank? How thick is the glass?

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I love DIY tanks! :happy: I really want to do one. I just don't have the space/funds for another tank right now. I'll save it for later.


What are the dimensions of your tank? How thick is the glass?

Yeah there pretty awesome, I can't believe that I accually built a tank, I'm not handy at all lol. It was surprisingly easy!


The dimensions are 24x12x7 same as a Ada 60-f~ and 1/4 glass. Probably could have gone thinner but eh. The tank gets moved allot so he extra stabilitys good

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Hey awesome build! I too was thinking about building a tank but I couldn't find a glass shop close by. Was it pretty easy to do? I always find myself messing up when gluing or painting something. :(

Great job on the tank though. Looking forward to seeing updates.

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It was mind blowingly easy, and im really not handy or crafty, I can paint a picture, but if Id try to build the canvas, itd be a disaster!


All you do is get the glass cut, tape off the silicone lines on all sides, so you will have nice straight clean lines, like in the second picture, put all the glass together, holding it in place with tape, and then silicone it.. just smoth it out by sliding your finger from the bottom edge to the top and voila! take off the tape for the seams, leave the tape thats holding the glass together and you have a tank! (in ~24 hours...lol)

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