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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Mt. [error@] ....


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LOVE your tank and especially how you've incorporated your barnacles :) But aren't you worried about those lobsters knocking off your frags - they look a little big for that tank *grin* ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

... Sorry I tried to PM you about this, but your message box is full.


What is the name of the frag rack that you suggested to me please? Gena is interested in it and I was not able to recall it.


Thank you... D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, well, well, look who popped back in. B) hope all is well. Looking forward to seeing the changes.


I lost complete interest, for a while there....


My tank stayed stable, but I neglected water changes, which raised my Nitrates.

In turn, my Percula (the male), got sick and died, but was promptly eaten by the CUC. :eek:


The female clown still lives, happily.

The Firefish pair are still allive.

The Wrasse looks amazing, but only comes out at night, after my son is asleep. :lol:


I have 2 Barnacle Blennies, that I can account for... But, can't ever find the 3rd, anyway. :slap:

The Tailspot Blenny is a bossy little fat-f**k.


I'm going to restructure the rocks, and move the corals I have left.

My 2 clams died of some mystery ailment...


That's what actually kick-started my "not giving a $%^"...

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Dude where have you been! I'm pissed!

I've been chasing an electrical gremlin around the inside my truck....


and raising a kid, etc.



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Im guessing the eggcrate is an anti suicide defense?

Yeah, I use it too. It's just easier to fool with than screen and it doesn't sag.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 20H will be broken down tomoro.

All the hardware is pending purchase.


I'll be around a lot more, living vicariously through yer guy's tanks!

So, keep 'em good! :D


As for my aquatic endeavours, I won't have a new tank for a couple years.

Or, at least till I get into a home I own.


When I do start another tank, it will be BIG, and in a wall... :eek:

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Oh man! Sorry to hear this, but more time and $$$ for the 4 wheels and the 50 cal mount on the top!

It's all good... All things must end, as they say. :D


On a positive note, I'm gonna be posting an A$$-load of wheeling pics, from now on! :D

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