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What to do about Dirte sand?


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This started about two days ago, the tank is about 6 days old. I changed a gallon of water since yesterday. I also have 2 cert snails, and two bumble bee snails. Any suggestions.

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Originally posted by MGXsport

wow you put those clean up crews early before it even cycled.


Umm don't do anything for about a month.


Okay, so It should be fine? should I at least change the water? once a month?

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for right now just do topoffs. The brown is just a stage and will go away in a a few days to maybe a few weeks. This will then be taken over most of the time by green algaes like hair and some macro.

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Is that a euphyllia in there too? Looks like a frogspawn. It's probably too early to start stocking your tank. It's most likely not finished cycling. You might want to see if you can take it back to the LFS and have them hold it for a couple of weeks.

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I agree with J-Bird. Try to take them back if you can. Or if you have a friend with an established tank, throw them in there for a month or so. I made this particular mistake when I was just starting out after following the LFS advice. Add a few snails, hermits, a few fish he said as I was buying the sand, salt, and live rock. Needless to say, the only thing that survived were the two damsels. You live and you learn! Of course when I was starting out, I didnt know about nano-reef.com. Lots of great info here!

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Oh yeah, "MAKE SURE YOU TOP OFF ONLY WITH FRESH RO, DI, OR RO/DI WATER. DO NOT TOP OFF WITH SEAWATER. " This is one of the biggest mistake that most people new to reefing make. The salt doesnt disappear, only the water disappears. Make sure you keep an eye on salinity.

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ummm...i wouldnt count on having completely white sand when its under a bunch of rocks and living creatures~

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