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Where to start?


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Ok ive never had a saltwater tank before. I right now keep to many freshwater stuff(i breed betta, keep discus, goldies, angels, and community tanks etc..) and i want a challenge. Also i really love reef tanks, but could never convince myself to do one till now. So here i am. I have 2 big questions to start off. 1st which is better to use. A 10gal i have sitting around with a Penguin Mini (up to tanks of 20gals). or should i buy a 12 gal eclipse tank. Which would work better. will this filtration be enough? (also on the 10gal i will need to buy a hood). I am trying to keep my costs down as well so I do want quality but yea i will like to have as low of costs as i can have.


Some other questions i have are, will i need a protien skimmer?, I really want to have at least 1 clown fish can I (if so what and how much rock will i need?) what are other good fish for a 12 or 10gal tank to go with a clown, and what would be a good clean up crew.


Last but not least if i missed anything that is a huge thing about nano-reefs pleast point that out. Also any good links would be awesome ( i tried google, but i probably missed some stuff. I am going back there now.)



Im sorry this is so long, but i just have so many questions, going from freshwater to salt is crazy. Thanks for all and any help :)

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I did the same EXACT (except for the discus) same jump as you from fresh to saltwater. Right now I have a 10 Gal that I am really loving. Check out the link in my sig at the bottom of the post. The page has pictures and information/specs about my tank.


Don't use an eclipse or the penguin mini they don't work well with saltwater and the wheels seem to make a ton of nitrates.


For filtration the best thing to have is a refugium filled with sand rock and macro algae along with about 1 lbs of live sand a gallon and 1-2 lbs. of live rock per gallon in the tank. Let this cycle the tank for a few weeks and then you should be ready for a clean-up crew.


I personally don't use a protein skimmer because I heard that they can skim off many of the nutrients for the tank and then those nutrients will have to be dosed back.


I have one clown and a clean up crew of assorted snails, about 13 blue leg hermit crabs and an emerald crab. They seem to be doing a good job after they were overwhelmed by algae a week ago.


One thing you missed about the reef is the lighting. This isn't my specialty but the more the better ;)


Hope this helps some.

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Oh one more thing, im trying to go low budget so a refugium may not be the best idea, what would be another good filter if penguins dont work?

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If you are going to do the 10 gallon then I would modify an Aquaclear 500 to act as a fuge.


You can check out the refugium forum here or search for aquaclear fuge and that will probably bring up some helpful threads.

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