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Does anyone have that Banana looking C. Racemosa?


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Just in case you didn't know (apologies if you do) - be careful with any variety of Caulpera Racemosa. They can easily take over a tank, out compete other macros and are almost impossible to remove from a system once they get a foothold.

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Thanks. = ) That's why I want some. It looks awesome when it fills out. I'd be careful to make sure it doesn't shadow other macros. I have a massive box of KNO3 and PO4 to provide enough nutrients for everything. I need something to outcompete poopy hair algae since it seems to be keeping up with my reds and browns.


As far as outcompeting the others, are you referring to nutrient depletion, or does it release some chemical to inhibit growth that I don't know about?


I had the smaller variety in my reef tank and it was quite the pain. Even when other caulerpa died off it still stayed strong, which is what attracts me to it for my macro tank.

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Most, if not all, macro algae release chemicals that inhibit the growth of other macros. If I remember correctly, caulerpa has a particularly strong chemical. But as long as you run carbon it should be ok.

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As far as outcompeting the others, are you referring to nutrient depletion, or does it release some chemical to inhibit growth that I don't know about?


I was referring to nutrient depletion, but alto answered the second part of the question too.


Most, if not all, macro algae release chemicals that inhibit the growth of other macros. If I remember correctly, caulerpa has a particularly strong chemical. But as long as you run carbon it should be ok.


Wow, I didn't know that alto! Thanks for the info! Now I'm definitely going to have to separate some of the unknown/ unidentified caulerpas from my main tank.

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Most, if not all, macro algae release chemicals that inhibit the growth of other macros. If I remember correctly, caulerpa has a particularly strong chemical. But as long as you run carbon it should be ok.


I believe chemical warfare between algae is still up for debate as to whether or not it is true. As for Caulerpa, I believe the toxin(s) you refer to are Caulerpin and Caulerpicin which are growth regulators. It is released in abundance if Caulerpa go sexual, and in minor amounts when the macro is pruned. I don't believe this affects the growth of other macros, but rather its own growth. A much bigger danger is the production of CO2 during dark periods which will lower the pH if you have a heavily planted tank.


It is known however that various algae inhibit some coral growth by rubbing toxins onto the animal. There are several papers that can be found on the web concerning this, with Turtle grass being mentioned specifically, but other algaes going completely unnamed - which doesn't lend much credibility in my eyes.


Ninja, this also touches on the post in my thread concerning seasonal variations in growth - keep your Caulerpa pruned so it doesn't overrun the tank and supply enough nutrients, calcium, iron and trace elements, and the correct lighting and flow to keep your other macros happy and you should be fine.


I have a couple of fern Caulerpas in my tank for color/texture variation and have no issues with them. Both are exceptionally slow growers, so keeping them pruned every couple of weeks is pretty simple.

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Unfortunately my massive forest of Ashmeadii started exhibiting signs of going sexual so I had to take it out. I now only have a few types now. I thought they were all dying so I started ripping them out. The parts that remained starts sending out new shoots after I ripped a bunch out as opposed to zero growth so I guess it just motivates it to grow when you trim.


I'd be trimming it back so as not to light deprive the others algae. I just love the way it looks.

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