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More watts=Less Coraline?


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I have been looking around at different peoples tanks and have come to the conclusion that the ones that have alot of watts per gallon have less coraline algae than the ones with less (mostly the ones with metal halide's seem to have less). Is there some kind of principal that I'm missing here or is it just me?

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Different types of coraline have different requirements, so maybe that's soemthing to do with it. I've got 64W of 50/50 over a 10g, and my coraline is out of control. Granted, compared to other people, 64W isn't a lot. But consider it a reference point.



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I have noticed a similar observation too.


I also noticed this local effect in my tank.

The lower areas with subdued light the corallne is growing more generously while the high light areas have far less coralline growth.


However, eventually the high light areas will have coralline--I think it just take longer due to some kind of adaptation taking place.


I have read of account where tanks with NO fluouros have initially faster and greater levels of coralline growth than MH, but eventually MH tanks do catch up.

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The reason I was asking is because I am getting ready to set up a nano reef (7gal. AGA bow or 10 gal. , suggestions/comments) and am trying to figure out the lighting scheme. I was going to try for Acro.'s and clams but I think I'll take ya'lls advice (i.e. perfect 10?) and go with something simpler for my first. Since I can't have the Acro or clam I would like to have coraline covering all exposed , non coral covering, surfaces.:happy:

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boost up that calcium if u want fast coraline growth. 12+ dKh really gets the coraline growing. I've noticed that when i didn't have metal halides for about a week and only actinic, the coraline spread a lot. Now with the MH back on the coraline dosen't spread as fast but is more purple. Red coraline also luv high lights.

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