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Going Heaterless...


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So, who's done a tank without a heater? How's this worked for you?


I ask because I've got a 3 gallon set up and initially put a Hagen thermal compact in there for heating. But between the 2 13w lights and the aquaclear mini, the tank seems to stay pretty warm...and I decided that in addition to soft corals, the feature critter in the tank shall be a mantis, which may or may not break that heater. So I'm running the tank for a few days now with the heater unplugged to see how stable the temp stays.


So if you run a tiny tank without a heater, how stable has it stayed for you? What've you been able to keep in there? Any problems/warnings?

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depends... i have a FOWLR 10 gal next to baseboard heating and i cannot get it to maintain stable temp.. usually goes down a couple degrees overnight and then back up a couple during day but nemo don't mind :) 6months going :)

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When it is hot outside, I unplug my heater because we don't have air conditioning and the tank gets too hot for my liking. Try it and just see what happens.

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So far this winter, my 20 has stayed around 80, with no heater. I have had to put a fan nearby to get it down, a couple of times. And that is just from the lights (I run 2, 75Watt VHOs), the temp I keep the house at was between 65 to 70.

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Faugh. I tried it yesterday and while it's sure possible to run a tank with no heater, it isn't a good idea in the room where this nano is. That room has temperature swings probably up to 20 degrees in a day. The tank lights and pump just can't compete with that, so I plugged the heater back in. Good thing there's only LR, sand, and cleanup crew in there.


Unbreakable titanium heater, here I come...

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With a 3 gallon, I don't think that you could get away without a heater...I missed that in the original post. You just don't have enough water volume to keep the temp stable.

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Maybe if the room temp was really stable it'd work out, but as is, the temp only stays stable with heater in there due to the tiny volume and temp swings in the room. On the bright side, with the heater, it's a constant 78 degrees day and night :) On second though, now that the heater's so well adjusted, it might be worthwhile to just get some stiff plastic mesh to protect it. Given that the tank is staying so consistent I'm loathe to change anything since everything's working well.

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I have a 3 gallon with a heater... I just never have it plugged in :) . The temp stays stable for the most part, I just keep the lid to the hood open so it doesn't get too hot.

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