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My first saltwater tank.


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Ok so i have been looking to get into saltwater aquariums for quite sometime now and have finally gone ahead and actually decided to do it. I was hoping to be getting a 29g biocube up and running but unfortunately my patience to find a biocube for sale on craigslist for a good deal ran out and i ended jumping on the deal for my current setup. Heres what all i got $450 which i thought was a pretty good snag.

  • 54g bow tank with built in overflow and oak stand
  • 250w metal halide light fixture
  • RemoraC pro protein skimmer
  • a 10g Amiracle sump with a mag5 return
  • a Maxijet 1200 and a Korilla powerhead
  • 50lbs live rock
  • hammer coral and dozen or so hermits ,snails and one emerald crab

Wasn't so sure if i was going to make a thread for the tank while i set it up and it was sort of a really long day picking up and setting the tank up. It was a real tight fit getting it into my little car haha but i did snap a few photos of the tank while i put it all together.

Heres a pic after i got it all cleaned up and swiped out the crushed coral bed for a sand bed.


The sump.



Once i got all my live rock and water into the tank.




Heres another once the water cleared up a bit.


My little hammer coral that i got seems to be doing alright.


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Another pic under the actinics. Looks pretty cool!


I'll pry add a few more photos soon so you can get a better look at the rock work in the tank I have a center courtyard type area working right now that i really enjoy. Unfortunately there is a pretty big aiptasia problem that came with the tank that i have to deal with so ill pry end up needing to redo the rock work a bit <_< . I bought 3 peppermint shrimp to help deal with it but its been about a week and ive yet to really see them eat any. So i most likely will end up going in and dealing a few lethal injections everyday till its all gone. Hopefully i wil be going to the LFS some time soon and buying my first fish to add to the tank!

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Yeah ill def add some more photos for you. Well see what kind of pics i can get don't have a fancy camera just been using my cell phone which i figure is pry about as good at this point as my old digital camera.

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No the tank was an up and running tank that i had bought from some one on craigslist. I took all there water from thank and transported all the live rock in it so any die off would be minimal. It was an established tank already and the tank barely cycled after the move. It's been up and running for almost 3 weeks now no problems. I'm just now starting the thread on it.

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Looks like a nice tank, must have been a B to move. Hope you had some kind of super awesome roommate that drove all the way down to help you move that beast.

:-) Welcome to N-R

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Ok so i took a few more pics this afternoon so you can get a better look at the rockwork.

Heres the far left angle on the tank.



Another far left shot you can see the open area in the middle a bit better here.


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Heres a center/left shot.



A shot from the right looking left.



A straight on look at the right side.



and one more of the whole tank.


If you click on the photos you get a better look and can see the Aiptasia problem i need to deal with. However asides from that the tank has been doing great. Nothing in there to really feed on the pods so i can see them running all around the rock work which is good because I'm looking into getting a mandarin. A few little Asterina Starfish around the tank and my shrimp have started to get use to the tank and i see them and my emerald crab moving around a lot once the moonlighting kicks in.

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Thanks guys. Yeah that zapper looks interesting i've got a syringe here though im pry just going to inject them with vinegar or something or look into getting some joe's juice.

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  • 1 month later...

Thought i would just do a quick update on my tank since i bought a new coral for it today. I've got most the aiptasia problem i had under control. I still find them sprouting up in the tank and i go in and take care of them with aiptasia -x when i see them. A side from that the hammer coral i have is doing great and just split into a new head. Ill have to take a few pictures and add but heres a picture of my new coral i got.


Love the colors on this rock i believe they are mostly eagle eye zoas on it with a red mushroom. There are a couple polyps of a different kind of zoa on it not sure what they are yet but they are kind of purple with a white center. I think maybe galaxy zoas or something haven't looked into it yet. There's actually two more smaller red mushrooms on the back of this rock with more zoas that you can't see. I've also added a baby yellow tang in my tank now also who insisted on trying to make the photo of my coral about him.had to take it about four times till i got one with out him all up in my face lol. I'll add a few more pictures when i get a chance. I just snagged this one today between my classes and work real quick to show you guys because I'm really enjoying looking at it since the mushroom matches the zoa so well and wanted to see what you guys thought about it?

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Thank you. I can't wait to have the tank where i want it to be. Just a matter of getting the money for everything. I have a whole list of stuff lol. No idea what i want to get next though. Thinking maybe a RBTA.

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  • 1 month later...

Havent updated in a while and I just got some new stuff so I figured now wold be a good time. :lol: Was at the store the other day and saw this clown and I knew I had to get him so I forked up the cash. The rbta in the background is also new that one is my friends though just holding it for now. Mine is on the other side of the tank. Was picking up the rbta for $30 and the guy offered 2 for $45 because he was to lazy to try and get them off the rock so i got 5lbs of good live rock with a lot of coraline and got my friend to split the cost since he was interested in getting one. So it ended up being a pretty good deal. Also got a frag of gsp in the tank now also so im hoping that will grow out quick. Here is my clown though shes a good 1.5 inches about and a perc and I'll put up a pick of my rbta soon.


As for other news on my tank everything is looking good my zoas are doing well and the red shrooms on the piece have grown a good amount. My hammer is doing great. It is about twice the size of when i got it and has gone from 1 head splitting into 2 to what appears to be going to 4 now also i have a fuzzy mushroom that came with the tank that has finally mounted fully in one spot and has gotten huge. Its about 5 inches across now and i got a ricordea I'm trying to get to mount some where now but is proving to be hard. Not a fan of getting mushrooms where i want them they always curl up into a ball. Also I've been having a lot of troubles with my skimmer and it looks like i resolved those last night finally which im stoked about! Did some ghetto sound proofing also had a ton of plastic bags in the house saved up so i stuffed them around my sump area and its reduced the sound of everything a lot which is nice. So all in all everything is great!

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Any suggestions on what kind of clown to pair up with? I was thinking maybe a snowflake or picasso if i could find one for a reasonable price.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did a little cleaning up of the tank today and got my rbta set up in a new spot. Figured I would share a few photos i took.


My new rbta.



Full view of the tank at the moment.



Shot of pretty much all my stuff at the moment just cant see the gsp.



My roommate is getting a real camera soon so i should have some much better shots soon than what i been getting with my camera phone.

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