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Is it normal for Red Grape to shed some of its bulbs every so often? Most of mine seems to be doing this at certain random spots on the branches. The bulbs turn clear then float off.


I have a lot of lateral growth and it all seems to be producing new baby "grapes", but I'm just wondering if it's normal to shed or if I need to do something differently.

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Is it normal for Red Grape to shed some of its bulbs every so often? Most of mine seems to be doing this at certain random spots on the branches. The bulbs turn clear then float off.


I have a lot of lateral growth and it all seems to be producing new baby "grapes", but I'm just wondering if it's normal to shed or if I need to do something differently.


Mine does the same thing. I think it's normal as long it's still growing and not too many are coming off. Like shedding hair I suppose.

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Ok whew. Lol thanks guys. Shaking my clump of red grape it looks like someone let a ton of clear balloons go so I wasn't sure. I had a branch that was covered in hair algae that I thought was dying cause there werent any large grapes. I took a toothbrush to it to brush it off and discovered a ton of tiny grapes forming.

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Well, they shouldn't be falling off in droves if you just shake them to remove detritis. The macro is somewhat delicate, but not that delicate. As long as you have new air bladders forming and the macro stays red you should be fine.

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Well, they shouldn't be falling off in droves if you just shake them to remove detritis. The macro is somewhat delicate, but not that delicate. As long as you have new air bladders forming and the macro stays red you should be fine.


Yeah, there are just so many because it is a rather large bush. Like 12"x5"x5" area.

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