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My resilient 5.5!!


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As a testiment to the abliltiy of tanks to bounce back from the brink. Here's mine!


Been set up since August (7 months) and has endured several catastrophic events:


1) Switched over to MH and used a poor UV shield.......cooking several of my Acro's to the skeleton!


2) Emerald crab died over Xmas vacation...causing a NH3 spike, which killer my cleaner shrimp and totally bleached my all of my SPS.


3) A complete substrate swap (silica for aragonite) in January


4) 3 "huge" buffer/calcium crashes precipitating Ca on everything...such a PITA


5) The lastest, a huge top off problem causing hyposalinity, which I couldn't get to for daysm (out of town!)


So here it is:

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This poor frag was the stepchild of the tank...and didn't have a permanent home, until it took a fall right on to some zoo's......Can you say "STUNG".


Doing much better it a solid location.


Also, you see the poylps on the right. It's some type of pachyclavularia (star polyp) with a sky blue color under Ac03.

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This was one of the Acros that was fried by the MH. The entire back have is bare skeleton, but within the last month, it has started to get the purple tone around the edges and the green polyps are starting to come out again.

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Love my Fuge!


You can see where I mounted physh1's top off switch.


It has 2lbs of LR rubble, 2" of aragonite, I run chaetomorpha and red gracillia (from RB ). There are tons of pods and bristle worms living happily in there. Interestingly, I have coralline growing here, but not in the main tank...maybe the MH is too bright?

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First frag I ever bought.......got it from Bryan (logicalreef) for $10!!!


You can also see a capnella and a yellow monti dig in the background.

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This was the worst burnt Acro I had. Since before Thanksgiving this poor guy has been a bland beige color, very little polyp extension, and like the A. valida.....completely burnt to the skeleton on the rear half. I just never had the heart to yank it out.


Well, about a week ago, I started to see some polyp activity and some slight coloration coming back.


You can also see a new orange dig I added a few weeks ago.

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I've ran everything from: a) 2 bookworms, B) 2 bookworms + 2 19W curlyQ's, to finally my current configuration. I initially ran the bookworms next to the MH reflector, until it melted the housings on the bookworms!!!

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You can see in the first pic (and in my signature), I also have a bunch of shrooms (most behind the LR), that huge green ric in the front left, GSP and PSP are in back (I'm trying to train them up the rear glass), a huge green zoo rock in the front right.....and a bunch more.


I'm kinda done adding and now I'm letting things fill in and expand.


In case anyone asks, that large Acro on the right side is supposed to be that dark! It's Acro loisetta. Very cool, dark (almost black body) body with sky blue poylps and tips. The one next to it is a blue milli that has begun to color up again (another fried UV acro).

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Nice OTF!!! I like the lighting setup and the fuge. What type of fuge is it?


I'll try to get some update pics posted once I get everything settled down this evening.

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That's Sparks, things are finally beginning to turn around. Right now I'm all about "stability". That's one reason I got the fuge and keep it on 24/7. I also started dripping Kalk and added 2 more PH's for lots of current. The only other thing I do is add about 10mL of buffer ever other night.




It's a CPR 12" Aquafuge. It was a factory second (with full warrantee) that

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Nice, I was just rigging my possible 5.5 lighting... it was a regent fixture for the 70 w, and I bolted a reflector for a 13Wpc to that.. When it looks pretty, I will take pice. I am gonna do it open top I think. Glad your frags have healed! Isn't the CPR for the topoff great.... plenty of time for water to mix in, a place for the switch so it goes off more often , spilling less water into the tank..... Looking good on the full tank shot!

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Thanks boys! Although I would have liked to wait for things to fully heal and fill out....Sparks wanted to see some pics, so I thought I'd do the "all is not lost" thread, since several people have had some bad luck lately.


Bird - I know you had some burning too when you switched, but I think you jumped on your's faster. My stuff went about 3 weeks before the yelled "Holy Shiz" loud enough to scare the cats under the bed! Thanks for the top off idea! You're right.....it is great to let it mix in the fuge first, plus I run an air driven auto top off which adds the TO slower. BTW, where did you get your 20K AB? I'm thinking about making the switch when mines ready.

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