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Cultivated Reef

How to get rid of Gracilaria?


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Got some nuisance gracilaria in a frag of mine which is oh-so-yummy to Tangs and the likes...but oh-so-annoying in a nano that can't house them.


What's the best way to get rid of them? I've gotten rid of *most* by plucking, but I can't cleanly pluck them off the rock all the time in its entirety...ideas?

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Are you sure it's gracillaria? Once you tank out the holdfast it is usually a gonner. Perhaps you have gellidium or another red that is more of a pain. Turbo snails of emerald crabs would love to dine on it if it is gracillaria.

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Are you sure it's gracillaria? Once you tank out the holdfast it is usually a gonner. Perhaps you have gellidium or another red that is more of a pain. Turbo snails of emerald crabs would love to dine on it if it is gracillaria.


They both look similar, I don't let it grow enough to be able to get a more positive ID :(

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