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chaetomorpha problem


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I recently added some chaeto to my refugium. It was a pretty huge clump and after about a week and a half it had grown a little. So I decided it would be a good idea to prune it a little. So I lifted the entire clump up and pulled a little chunk off with my hand. After I dropped the clump back in the refugium most of the chaeto broke into little pieces and went everywhere in the main tank. And now all that is left is a very small clump. It doesnt seem to be growing that much anymore. Did I rip off the main shoot or something or should I have cut the piece off with some scissors instead of my hands. And has anyone had any similar experiences. It also seems to be sitting at the bottom now instead of floating.

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I ususally kill the pump to my fuge when I pull some junk out. Just remember to turn it back on it 30 minutes or so. I get some in my tank occasionally, something just eats it or it rots. It hasn't started growing in my tank and I have been using the stuff for several months.

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