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Innovative Marine Aquariums

2.5 gallon woes....are over!!!!!! Check it out.


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Well if you remember back I had a little issue with my Minibow 2.5 but all seems to be settled in, and I now have my very own first signs of coraline growth right on my spill way for my HOB!!!! It may not sound like much to you, but if you have ever had a project go so complely wrong, it really disheartens you. My tank was a learning disaster, but served a purpose so that I would learn before I started something really expensive, my up comming 30 cube. I snapped off some pictures to show the progress, but as usual they are really ugly and just don't do it justice. You would think that with a sony 3.2 mega pixel camera you could get better shots, but nooooooo. Unless anyone has any advice. I have the DSC-P71. Anyway you might notice some additions to the tank, and that is part in parcel to the tearing down of my G/fs tank. We are about to go on spring break, and I felt the need to get all of her corals and live stock out of the tiny little tank so that the evap. wouldn't kill anything. I at least have some kind of make shift top off, so it really shouldn't be as much of an issue, especially since I am going to retard back the phot period to two 3 hour periods one in the morn, and one at night.



Still can't figure out what kind of corals these two are, I am guessing a yuma ricordia, and some kind of Anemone...or hell I have not a clue let me know.


Both were hitchhikers on my live rock.


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That is exactly what he looks like. Well that could be the reason that one little polyp hasn't opened. Oh well I guess I need to find yet another spot for it.

In other news I got a pulsing Xenia for the tank tonight, however it is still a tad bit ####ed at me right now. It is still shriveled looking, but I am sure that in time it will be ok. I placed it in a high flow area, with good lighting for good measure. So wish me luck.

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Tank looks great.


I also have a DSC-P71 and found that these settings help when taking pics of a tank.

1. Change the EV (press menu) before taking the picture to something negative (this will darken the pic and show off a bit more color and sharpness)

2. Take the picture in macro mode (press the thumbpad thingy to the right (towards the flower emblem). You should see on the LCD an icon of the flower.

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Hey man thanks so much that is the shizzle....new pics will be up shortly...er after my Micro Econ test tommorow. Bedsides I need to ask a question about my newest aqusition, my pulsing Xenia. I know that it is most likely just in shock from the transfer, but it has really shrunken down, so lets just hope that with time it will look better.

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there ya go, that is just sitting on that little .97 spice rack over the tank. It is the coralife 18 watt hood, and has 9 watt actinic, and 9 watt 10,000K.


Man this little xenia is really looking bad. It was on the top near the outlet of the HOB and right near the light, but it didn't seem to like that so I moved it the bottom.

Now it just looks really shriveled up and pale.

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Ok so now my xenia really looks bad, it is all shriveled up at the bottom and is shrinking more and more as we speak. Is there something that I am not doing? Or do they just do that; look worse before better?

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I was just re reading your first post, and if you are looking for tips on how to take better phots, head over to reef central, they have a photo forum and there are several threads with info on how to set your camera and take good photos



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Also if you want more light you could try what I am doing-replacing the 9s in that fixture with 13's from hellolights also.

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hang with the xenias. when mine are shipped in they always almost dies off completely except for a little "flesh" on the rock and within a month or so i will have a little colony. i didnt want to post pics on your thread without permission, but i have before and after pics of the xenias if you want to see them just let me know. like the aquascaping!

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Hey Corey, post those pics if you get a chance. Sorry for not replying for a week, but I was on spring break. All I can say is that I am really happy to what I found in my tank. A week of me not doing anything and the only thing that went wrong was that my GSP fell off of the rockwork. Anyway, I read through your post, and then noticed just what you are talking about. Please feel free to post up some pics.

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