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Justin's Mini S


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Hah yea,

I'm kinda jumping the gun here since I don't have anything to take a picture of...deal with it. Everything I have listed I purchased about an hour ago so it will be here soon enough.

I do not plan on dismantling this or upgrading in a few months like all of my other tanks, I promise. This one will be sticking around for awhile!


I have no definite plans on livestock just yet and I'm open to suggestions. As of right now I'm thinking LPS dominated mixed reef with a small goby or a pair. The only thing I'm positive on is a small fungia.

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Aw yea, just got the tracking info from ADA. I doubt it will be here by the weekend but I'm pumped that its shipped!


Also, I think the light will be here tomorrow



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Well I got the order today from BoostLED and while I am very happy with the look and color and everything about the bulb...the goosnek was broken when opened the box :(






I emailed them and explained what I found. I hear good things about their customer service so I'm hoping for the best. Other than it being broken, the whole setup looks very nice!

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Whoa. That was weird. I posted this and moments later my phone lite up with an email from them saying they are shipping a new one out right away. AWESOME

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^ Lol thanks for that


Got the tank! :D




Its not my camera but I did my best with the white balance. Still practicing with it. I want my own DSLR, its a lot of fun.

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I'm hoping so!


Moar picz










Yes I know these photos aren't all that exciting... Just playing around with the camera


Camera junkies please criticize my photos so that when the time comes to take pics of coral n such I can make the right changes.

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Got some rock and water today! The haven't done much with the scape yet but its definitely going to get changed. Its surprisingly difficult to scape in such a small space.


Still need to get some dry sand but at least I got the rocks in there to get this going.




Oh yea.. I moved the tank.


This way everyone in the apt. is happy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I put some dry sand in the tank around a week ago.

I went through a short cycle since getting the rocks and I'm now getting some nice algae growth. Going to the LFS today to see what I can snag for a cuc.






Hitchhiker zoa


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Not crazy about the scape, to be honest. It lacks any definition and doesn't look natural at all. Also, those bulky black hoses don't help too much in terms of the looks. If I were you I'd make a nice looking "pile" of rocks around the hoses, which would make things look more clean (this is an ADA after all) and you could probably do something cool with the 'scape.


I'm not trying to be rude at all, I'm just giving my own 2 cents.

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sweet tank. what are your stocking plans?


I just picked up 2 sexies and a small cuc.


As for coral...I'd like a head of frogspawn and a small plate but other than that i'm not sure.


Very awesome.


Thanks bud


Not crazy about the scape, to be honest. It lacks any definition and doesn't look natural at all. Also, those bulky black hoses don't help too much in terms of the looks. If I were you I'd make a nice looking "pile" of rocks around the hoses, which would make things look more clean (this is an ADA after all) and you could probably do something cool with the 'scape.


I'm not trying to be rude at all, I'm just giving my own 2 cents.


Haha thanks a lot...


But really you're right. I have every intention of changing the scape. I havent really done much with it aside from putting the rocks in there and standing one of them up next to the overflow.


I'll figure something out with it. The hoses, as you said, are intrusive.

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Wow, looks great now! Love the new scape. It could be cool if you could mount some Zoa or GSP frags on those hoses. That could cover them up even better.

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I like the old scape as well, but the new scape is definitely better. It not only hides the returns, but it looks really good in general. Good job dude. Verryyyy nice.

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Everytime I see an ADA I'm just amazed at how clear the glass and seams are, its almost fake seeming to me :lol:


Tank looks awesome, needs moar life tho

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