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what do u guys think of these lights?


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what do u guys think of this lighting for a 10 gallon.




its comes out to 28w, which is 2.8 wpg.


20" 1x28W Coralife Aqualight hood w/ 50/50 -Square Pin


is that enough light for corals, amens, inverts..etc?


or would i need the next step up, a 96 watt 50/50?


or can you go with this one




15watt 50/50 fluorescent lamp is mixture of 50% 6500K natural daylight and 50% Actinic 03 Blue phosphors

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It all depends what you want to keep but if you got the money go with mh or use the 96w. i have the the 24" 128w or something like that over a 20H with zoos and polyps and gsps and a clam YES A CLAM UNDER PC's its doing great i feed it to so looks good ill post a pic later. for a 10 g go with the 96w whats cool is that they come with fans so they dont get that hot!

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yeah, gonna have to agree with you on that. with a 96 i can grow just about anything in that tank.


I wonder if 28 watts, 50/50 would be able to do a good enough job, i dont want to overspend if im not going to need 96 watts. u know.


some people say, the last one i listed. the 50/50 6,500 (15w) fixture would be good too. There are too many choices, and its hard to tell what you really will be keeping, but i guess its better to have ample lighting, this way you can pick and choose what you would like to adopt and take care of.

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Yeah if you can just go with it i know its a more cash but you only spend it once. I know about budgets man, I tell you my avatar is a BIG money pit, lol but I just cant seem to say no when i look at her hmmmm..

oh well


When i first started reefs years ago, I didnt spend that much on stuff. It really sucks when you go to the lfs and you see something you really like but cant get it becouse you dont have the lighting for it.


(thats how you end up with MH by the way)


Go with the 96 if you can then you wont have to wory about it later. especially when you never really know what will end up in your tank lol


if you dont want to spend the money just get a 32w 50/50 that should be good for a 10 if you plan on keeping softies and mushrooms, and stuff, no acros or clams or anything really demanding.i keep xenia under 2 18w pcs in a 2g and its doing great to


chekem out

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Awesome tanks buddy, they are truly amazing.


And I can see why you cant say no to her, she's a doll.


I will have to see what I am willing to spend and I will either get the 28w or the 96w. Obviously there is a big difference and a big difference in what I can keep as well. I dont plan on inhabiting anything intricate. I will just purchase what my light can hold. I will not dictate my light over what I want to buy, i will dictate what I want to buy over my light. Which also will not lead me to spending money on things that wont survive in certain lighting conditions.


I will be able to have some of the things in mind with either lights. So its just a matter of what im really interested in keeping. At first it was FOWLR, then I see a lot of stuff out there that needs ample light and is beautiful as well. I gotta do some searching and see what would I would be able to have under 28 watts 50/50 and what i can have under 96 watts 50/50

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Cool Thanx on my stuff, yeah good luck to you thats a good tud to have trawd your tank. and i hope i get to see some pics of your set up when you have it up and running

Good luck :)


Oh yeah My avatar said: Whaaaaaauu to ya:P

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here are some pics of my other 3 week old 10 gallon.


2 (striped damsels) and 2 (snails) This is the tank I am buying the lighting for.













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Hey nice set up, are you planning ond adding more rock or moving it around? looks great though,

let me go snap some pics and post my 20 for ya

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yeah, i want to move some stuff around, but not sure what to do with it.


What do you suggest? Pile up in center of tank, leaving all 4 sides open for swimming area?


Im trying to find the right look but cant think of what to do.


Hey by the way, check this out. I found these lights at a great price, tell me what you think.


Its a 28w 50/50 one half of the tube is 10,000K and the other half is Actinic. What exactly will I be able to grow under that specific lighting if you dont mind me asking. Will i be ablet o have mushroom corals? maybe some button polyups. or maybe some kenya tree coral? Or maybe some suggestions of your own.


By the way, you have been great. The information have provided has been awesome. Looks like you want to take me under your wing, and I have no problems with that big brother. LOL.


Thanks again...hopefully when you have time, you'll be able to anwer my questions above, about what type of corals I "might" be able to put in that 28 watt 50/50 tank. (40 bucks shipped )




I think thats in my price range, and Im not really interested in going "all out" on all corals, too expensive for only a 10 gallon nano. I will invest more money and lighting expense when I move on to a bigger tank. For now, that seems just about right for my wallet.

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evrything was kind of closed up its 120 am here lol

this softie has been spreading like crazy i had tons of frags for a while, and its still going soon ill have more frags

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wow, very nice...did you happen to read the post above your pics...i had a few questions that I was hoping you would assist in answerings. Once again, im sorry to be the annoying newb, but it would be nice if i get a chance to pick your brain for a little bit...lol.


Any help for the questions I asked above would be great. thanks so much.

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Yeah that sounds good you should stack high and leave some swiming space and that way if you have anything that needs lots of light you can place it up high. zoos and mushrooms and some softies you should have no prob with green star polyps i really love those, they make the tank look great easy to care for and they look way cool , i have a 46g and thats about all it has and i have it under MH lights im not really to into all the acros and corals like that , i like the look of softies and mushrooms they look so cool when they open all the way and the way that zoos cover rocks. Ill take that tank over any with acros and clams and all that. hey if you live in cali near Long Beach ill hook you up with some frags of my clove polyp looks cool and grows qick

you should have no problems with those coral and if u want a kenya just place it hu high



here take a look at gilmans tank it looks great no fancy hard to keep corals and clams and it still looks great on of my fav's i have seen so far

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those some amazing pics. Looks like you are a huge SW lover. Oneday I hope to have such a beatufiul tank. I have been FW nut for the past 10 years...and just recently started SW.


This is what I was thinking of what to put in, if I were to have the 28w 50/50 kit. Which would be 2.8 watts per gallon.


Complete list


Blue Mushroom Coral

Few Feather Dusters

Starbust Polyp

Pink Button Polyp

Yellow Fiji Leather Coral


5-6 hermits

3-4 snails


2 percs

perhaps a tank, then I would have to put him in a larger tank obviously.


What do u think, will I manage under a 28w 50/50 bulb?

They describe the ones i listed as moderate light.

Im assuming 28w 50/50 bulb on a 10 gallon is moderate...


what do you think. thanks.

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i think the 28 watt - 50/50 hood lamp should be good enough for a 10 gallon. Especially for the thinks I want to grow...they are all low to moderate light. I will stay away from the high light things.


28 w is 2.8 per gallon. its one bulb, 10,000K is one half of the bulb and the other half is Actinic

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sorry but 28w on a 10g is WEAK. You need to be lookin around 60+. Especially if youre even thinking about clams at all.

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i might just get a 96 PC - depends on what I really want and how much light it needs. Im gonna have to think it through. 96w on a 10 gallon will lead to a lot of evaporation as well. Salinity would be off the charts and then plummetting back down once i top off the water. That will lead to a more unstable environment as well.

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you wont have that much evap. Also you get an auto top off to deal with it. My sg is always at 1.025 and its under halides. evap isnt that horrible.

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yeah, then i might as well get the 96w power compact. Either that or a 65w. Im kind of thinking to stay with FOWLR, but in case I do take some interest in corals (which i probably will) Then the lighting will be there for me already.

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