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10g setup


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Im new to this whole stuff but starting to get the hang of it I have a 10g, 2 96w 50/50 10k with 18lbs of LR I was wonder what kinda corals can I keep in this?

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i'm sure you'll get all the info you want on this forum. Can you tell how much you paid for that lighting, and where you purchased it from. I have a 10 gallon right now that is cycling with 2 (3 striped damsels and 5 lbs of live rock). I am interested in lighting but needed a good kick in the right direction.

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are the lights the powerquads? if so how did you mount them over the tank i have a 2x96w ballast and am currently using one of them, id love to find a way to use both.

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no, the rock has been curing at my LFS for 6 months. The rock has stabalized. No die off phase, its been in their tanks for 6 months...they did the work for me. All I had to do was establish that bacteria into my tank. I'm money, trust me :)

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