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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Is this bad for SPS frags??


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It seems I have seen this happening quite a bit in my tank...doesn't look like the corals are injured after the hermits are done climbing...

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Hmm... I am not to much of an expert on this, But Ill tell you what I think anyway and see if others can offer better advice...


I would think that it may not be the best thing for your frags, But will most likely be OK, If you start to notice a decline in your corals condition you may try putting some barrier around the SPS coral...Secondly, I think if the SPS was actually getting hurt from the crab that the SPS would sting the crab, I read that they have the ability to deliver a pretty bad sting...So it may be that the coral can stand up for itself...But then again, I dont know much about this so dont take my word for it!

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I wouldn't worry about it at all. my snails and hermits climb ontop of my corals all the time, never any damage. If any thing the hermits are provifing a service cleaning algea and debris off the coral.

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my hermit and emerald crab and a acro crab does the same thing..no worries..they are just providing cleaning services for your frag..

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I just remembered something else, In nature Acro's provide a home for some species of crabs, a type of sybiotic relationship I think!

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i have exactly that! i have a acro crab (orange with white body) living in my green tip acro colony...one thing though..watch out for those hairy ones..as they will destroy your acro colony..but the none-hairy ones are great for the sps...


i just got 10 assorted frags of sps from Joe Kelley and Steve Tyree...they are so awsome..i specially love my blue/yellow rim scrol sp..it is awsome looking..i will try to take some pictures..

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My hermits perch atop my sps frags right before and after they molt. I believe it to be a defense from the other hermits when they are vulnerable to attack/predation. they do not harm the sps if they stay for a short time however if it is a habbit, it could mean trouble as the polyps are how they produce energy for growth. if they are staying retracted for more than a day I would send the hermit to the refugeum or trade it back to your LFS.



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