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JBJ Nanocube - 3 months


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Hi all,


I have been posting around the net and learning all I can about nano cubes.


Right now, I'm considering a protein skimmer or possibly a light upgrade.

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Holy cow.. your avatar looks VERY similar to my tank. Very cool setup!



1 true perc

2 paired rose prawn gobies

1 blood shrimp

3 turbo snails

1 brittlestar hitch-hiker from the LFS



1 brain coral

1 purple anemone (ID please!)

10 green shrooms on a rock

2 ricordea polyps


All with around 12-15 lbs LR and an extra Rio 90 powerhead.


I took out the sponges and ceramic filter media last week -a few more particles floating around, but I figured it was time to let the LR do its biological duty :)

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OK... I don't remember asking if it hosts clowns in this thread/forum, but thanks for your input.


What is a fair price for a Condylactis?

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I have a clown that had a condy host. But then he also had/has plate corals, ricoridas, and hairy shrooms as hosts..... who knows.;)



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Aw man! They sold it to me for the price of a purple gorgonia... 35 bones!


I feel kinda ripped off.


On one hand, its really up to the tank owner to investigate. On the other, I think some LFS stores take the "oooo-aaah" factor of the beautiful marine life and really stick it to you!

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It's all good, I called the store. I'm going to straighten this out b/c I know the dude who sold it to me. It was an honest mistake... I'll get a nice exchange of goods for it.

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OK guys, a few updates. First of all, I got store credit for the condy/gorgonia blunder for about 30 bucks!


I put that toward a bubble tip anemone, which is doing quite well.


I also recently got the 32 watt retrofit upgrade everyone is talking about. Since I am a noob at the nano-cube, it took me about 2 hours to install.


But boy was it worth it! The end result is a sweet "black light" effect that I could never have gotten with the stock lights!


You can find pics of the retrofit install here:




My 12gal nano cube thread


I apologize for the out of forum link.. but I had a hard time posting images here.

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I checked out the link and I hate to say it but the bubble tip you bought looks real bleached out. Could be the lights or the way you took your picture but that BTA should look green and purplish. I really hope your LFS didn't screw you again.

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Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep you guys informed.


I can't figure that BTA out, it expands very nicely at night and has moved around a coupla times.


The name of the LFS store is Thee Fish Bowl in Evanston, and I have to say I never feel like I'm getting the straight deal. The employees are very cool, but whenever the owner comes out -wheelin and dealin her half-dead lifestock, I have to roll my eyes and wonder how bad I'm gonna get ripped.

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I'm in Chicago and have a very good LFS that I go to. It's called Chicago Aquarium, 5028 N. Clark St. It's not the biggest store but the two owners are very nice and they seem to know what they're talking about. I got my jbj from them and everything else. They have a sweet 10% off for members also, all you gotta do is sign up for the news letter. No problems at all with anything I've gotten from them.

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Spasticat. . .really, how hard was it to do the CSL Retrofit? Do you have any experience working with electric? I don't have a clue what I'm doing but want to get the kit! Does it come with an instruction manual or do you just have to wing it? Is this something that someone with absolutely no experience can handle? I'd hate to get this, disable my cube and rush to Home Depot begging for help.

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I was kinda freaked when I did it too, and like a moron I left the hood attached when I did it.


When you get the light, hook up all the wires and plug it in (outside the cube). When it lights up, it will give you the confidence to wing it because you know that the light works -and all you have to do is find a way to attach it.

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Do you need any specific tools for this besides a screw driver? Damn I wish I didn't suck at stuff like this, I should have def. paid more attn. in shop.

How's the lights so far and how is that BTA you got doing?

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That BTA shouldn't be in the tank with the Condy. The Condy will more than likely kill the BTA. I suggest taking the Condy back (Although it is a pretty shade of purple) and keeping the BTA.



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I agree with jmt. IMO, I think you will be much happier in the long run with just the BTA. Once they find a spot they like, they usually stay there and your clown will like it. Condy's never stay still and take out anything and everything in their path. It is a pretty shade of purple, but I'd stick with the BTA.

Kim :)

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