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Innovative Marine Aquariums

150w or 300w mh


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I am just about to purchase a 15'' square tank to set up as a nano. I have gear to run 2 150w mh. I have just placed an order for 1 14000k. As i am very poor and equipment prices in england are ridiculous, I am not willing to folk out extra cash for t5 or pc lighting to complement it. I do however have actinic NO bulbs in my possesion. Is it worth using these (2) in the hood, or are they not going to make a worth while difference. As i have mentioned before, i am struck for cash, and don't, if i can help it, want to fork out for another bulb. So i am planning on only using 1 mh. However i want to keep sps lps, and a clam. Will my setup be ok for these and promote good growth. any views welcomed with open arms.

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I guess 15" square tank can be treated as 20G (24 x 16 x 12) in terms of space and height. In fact 15" square tank is little smaller than 20G. If someone ask me a question like "Is one 150w MH OK for 20G?" Then I would say "Yes" in most cases.

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Originally posted by SeaSide

I guess 15" square tank can be treated as 20G (24 x 16 x 12) in terms of space and height. In fact 15" square tank is little smaller than 20G. If someone ask me a question like "Is one 150w MH OK for 20G?" Then I would say "Yes" in most cases.


...especially with the 14k bulb. Very nice blue color without being too blue...


Try the MH on its own first. You may find its the right color for you. If not, THEN upgrade to the NO lights too.



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So what you are saying is adding the NO lights as well is only going to be for my viewing benifit, if i feel i want more blue. They will not benifit my corals in any way as their is enough light in the blue spectrum with the MH.

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Well... what I am saying is 150MH over 15" square is adequate in most cases. If you want blue look, you can always add actinic bulbs. More light wouldn't hurt. Or, you can use more bluer MH lamp than ordinary 10K MH. You will not need actinic in that way since bluer MH lamp put out more blue spectrum than ordinary 10K MH lamp.


In fact I think ordinary 10K MH lamp put out enough blue spectrum for invertables. Our eyes just can't feel it. Spectrum of MH light is very similar to that of sun light. We don't feel sun light is blue, but there's a lot of blue spectrum in it. Just MHO.

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