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Cultivated Reef

Pics Inside - Early stages - 10 gallon FOWLR.


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Posting the early stages of my 10 gallon FOWLR tank.


So far I only have 3.5 lbs of Live Rock, but will be adding some soon, but slowly.


This will be the mature and smooth tank, will take my time on this one, step by step and make sure everything is done right the first time...instead of making mistakes, and having to go back and fix them.


Let me know what you guys think, I am open for any type of suggestion.


And is is me or is this LR just blah, boring and no colors right?









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yes, its fine grain freshwater and saltwater safe. Easy to handle and no mess at all. I plan to add about 1/4 cover with crushed coral to strenthen the system and for visual pleasure as well.

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Is that live rock or just dead coral? It looks really bare. I think you would be better off to add more and better quality LR to your tank as soon as you can so your tank only goes through only one cycle. Adding a little at a time could prolong your tanks cycle time.

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i plan on adding two 3 striped damsels to add to the cycling process. Damsels seem to be the most hardiest sw fish out there...I am confident that they will add a significant bio-load to my tank and assist with the cycling process, but I am more confident that they will live through it all.

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is there a reason youre doing just fowlr? Seems boring to have just fish and some lr. Also doing a damsel cycle will just get you flak on the boards about bad husbandry. Better if youre going to do it just throw in uncured lr or ls.

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Maybe just toss in a piece of cooked shrimp. That will get you an ammonia spike, and get your cycle underway. Spare the damsels, they are a pain in the ass to catch once you want them out anyway.

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I havent purchased them yet, but the live rock I purchased yesterday, and today (another 3 lbs) have been stabalized in a tank for about 6 months before I bought them. The nitrification process has stabalized and these peaces of LR have no "Die off" left. My ammonia levels should be reasonably low. The waste that the fish create, if its not too much of a bio-load, should help with strengthen the bacteria. Since these damsels are strong, they should not have a problem while this process continues through. I am going to do some tests and check back with you guys.

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