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New User 16g Bowfront


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Damit N00b Mistake, Reading up shows Carnations are "extrodinarily Hard to keep" I would bring it back but its just going to die there...

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Hey thank you very much for your reply, Yea Sun Corals are nocturnal and require direct feeding which i dont mind at all :) I've seen the spray bar idea before, I'd love to do it but I don't want any more equipment in my tank.

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The kents is so-so food, try to substitute cyclop-eeze or DT's in it's place depending on what product you are using.

The dendro is a phytoplankton feeder. To give it's best chances , spot feed it phyto when it is open. The sun coral eats meatier food like the mysis you suggested, turn off the pumps, and feed often for the best chance of survival.

Before buying anything, I try to look at a book at the store before I buy if they have any reference books.


4 line wrasse



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Yea my work was out of DT's When the Kent stuff run's out or its experation date is up ill definately switch to DT's.

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that spray bar idea sounds good, anyone know the size we need? Also that wrasse is kickin'! What do you this about a yellow anthias? IS that too much fish for a 16g.?

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looks like a newer tank, going through it's "cycles" , and I don't mean cycling..... The hair should subside soon with proper husbandry.

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ya know, thats what I was wondering. What happened to the "ball of spikes"? Maybe too much bio load for the 16? I wonder. I just have a blue chromis and hermit and snails in mine. I am gonna wait a few weeks just to be sure before i introduce anything else.

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Heh he was too big for the tank what ever i had in there for frags he would find a way to knock over, He went back to my work (lfs) and was sold the same day to someone with a much bigger tank :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Redid the rock work, Definately like it better this time around:










Just a little update: The orange monti frag is pretty much dead I was right on assuming my 96w wouldn't be enough, everything thing else is doing great some things arent open because i just turned on the lights 10 mins ago. the little green hammer frag on the top right is doing great the number of polyps have atleast doubled in number. The carnation still slouches a bit sometimes but it seems to be doing good.

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nice tank. i would think that 96 watts would be sufficient for a monti frag, just maybe not enough to keep it orange, it could be that its because your tank is still fairly new, and some parameters could be fluctuating. that last pic looks like a tubinaria (sp?) to me.


Glad you got your hair algae under control, i've been battling it in my tank for almost 6 months now :|


ghostbear, there are many different species of anthias, a lot of which are yellowish, but none of which are suited to nano tanks. they need to be in groups, or at least in pairs, otherwise they have a dismal success rate.



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Thanks vics skimmer. No one else seems to give quite the answer I was looking for. Sorry for the hair algae, Iv'e noticed brown masses covering the LR and some of the glass, hopefully the turbo and the margarita will consume most of it. I think I have waaaay to nutrient rich water. Gonna do a water change today. All other H2O params are cool.....thank god. 16g. Bowfronts are kickin!!!

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just put a turbo snail on the rocks that have hair algea, once he's done consuming that, move him to another (if you want to speed-up the process). it should be gone in less than a week. I swear by turbos, however, they do get huge.


i have a couple of orange montis that i got from someone that turned brown when it was still at his posession. now, they've actually regained their color and are growing under my 96w quad. but my tank is only 8g so maybe the ratio of water volume to watts may have helped. though i dose phytoplnkton as well.

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Where did you get the spiderman? thats classic. Well, I added more of a cleanup crew to mine but wondering how long for Randoms to clear up? Also, did you check for what in water with these algal blooms? Everybody's is looking great!

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that silly spiderman had me rolling..i've seen it before but it must be me getting giddy at 3am..thanks 2much


I have a 16 bow that I bought the other day..I wanted to know..does it distort the view at all..you know from the curve?

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