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Cultivated Reef

New User 16g Bowfront


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Hi All I've been around for a little while, had a 10 and a 20 mini reef a while ago and just now am getting back into it.


My new tank is an AGA 16g Bowfront. Coral Life 20" 1 96w 50/50 10,000k/actinic, AquaClear 201 powerhead, 10 lbs of rock with more to come soon, 2" Playsand DSB.


Everything in the tank, including the water, came from a friends established tank that was being taken down.





Only problem is AGA doesnt seem to make a glass canopy for the 16 bowfront how do you other 16 bfers out there cover your tank?

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Not too bad, I top off once a week, not even a gallon. Also running open top. Glad to see theres another 16 bowfronter out there :)



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Yes AGA does make a glass top for it, its just not listed on their webiste. Was able to get my lfs to order it for me. Nice setup so far.

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Thanks for the replys, once it clears up if anyone wants ill post up a few more pics.


I actually do work at an lfs lemme look more into it :)

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Tanks been up for a little over a week now, All cleared up with 3 small coral frags Heres some newer pics if anyone is interested






Bleached out ric, but its color is coming back.




Brown/Green Button polyps




GSP only 4 of the 10ish polyps have come out so far




2 gallon WC was done today with tap water. Next week I figure ill start using RO as its available through my work (LFS)


Live Stock:


2 Sexy shrimp

5 Astrea snails

6 Blue leg hermits

1 Yellow Clown goby (recently added, still hiding)


Waiting on 6 line wrasse from work and that will be it for fish, Still comtemplating on corals, now even with 96watts (6 watts per gallon) i cannot keep sps?


I also have done the DIY Moon lights Here WIll have a pic of that tonight


I just turned around and realized it was dark out so i tried it for the first time, OMG, its nice heh. I wish the picture did it justice but it doesn't. I'll have to play around with the camera a little more tonight and get a better picture:


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Wow its seems my 2G water change last night resulted into my sexy shrimp releasing its young into the water, there must be 200 tiny shrimp floating around, its a shame none of them will live.

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  • 3 months later...

Figured I would ressurect my first post with some new pics. I now have an AC300 Refuge with a 3 watt Red Sea Aquavase light, Zoo Med Powersweep powerhead, I added some more live rock but im not sure on the exact weight.




Here is the Hairy Mushroom again, Big difference from the bleached out one above.




Same button polyps but the numbers have doubled along with about 5 kenya tree frags i cant get to attach anywhere. I did read in last months issue of coral about using accupunture needles for a couple weeks untill the corals attach them selves, I've tried super glue gel they just pop right out.




More polyps but I'm unsure of the type?



Very small branching hammer frag i found at the bottom of the 150 reef at my work



This is a little more purple in person, also found at the bottom of my works tank :)



I just added the Powersweep today the kenya is just opening up



Shot of all the free range kenya trees, button polyps and the sexy shrimp.



Heres the full tank as of today, I know I don't have much at all for coral but hopefully thatll change in a few more week's

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I like your first few pictures of your aquascaping. Is there a reason you decided to change the ways you had your rocks positioned?

Not like I should ask, are we ever happy with how are rocks are.


Anyways, have fun adding more and more stuff to it.

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Hi I really liked it too but going LR/Sand Filtration I felt the 10 lbs I had in there wouldnt be enough, So having to add more rock I had to change it around some, I'm sure im noit finished on the rock work it's still early.

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dude, i got the same setup...no kiddin...kick ass brotha!!!! I like your lr. you got some great decorator skills. as soon as i get this photo crap learned...i'll post mine too.

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Thanks for the compliments man Im not happy with the rock work so maybe ill mess with it on monday. I just picked up a sun coral frag. Havent had it in the tank 2 hours and its fully open during the day and feeding :)



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Yeah I just picked mine up yesterday in hopes of getting a 6 line wrasse, When he came in yesterday he wasnt looking too hot hopefully hes ok today.

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Originally posted by RandomLetters

Havent had it in the tank 2 hours and its fully open during the day and feeding :)  




It's only feeding well if you are feeding it.


Dam, now I wanna double up the size of my tank....


Oh yeah, go for a 4-line if you can instead of the 6 line, much nicer colors, and not so secretive during the day.

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Originally posted by birdman204

It's only feeding well if you are feeding it.


Dam, now I wanna double up the size of my tank....


Oh yeah, go for a 4-line if you can instead of the 6 line, much nicer colors, and not so secretive during the day.


I was feeding it, Kent Phytoplankton and frozen thawed mysis shrimp. Havent seen the 4 line wrasse but i heard the 6 line was very active.

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Hey random, you getting that algae under control now? I have had my AGA for 2 weeks but still stuck in the cycle. I am still waiting. recieved my aqualight and it rocks. My ammo is still at .25 so I will wait... and wait....andwait.....!!!!!!!X)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello yes it seems to be going away, I still have some on the sane and a little on the rocks but the cheato seems to be winning. I picked up a few more coral frags today as well as a 6 line wrasse:






Brown/orange Zoos








Orange Zoo's ill get a better pic of once they all open




Can someone give me an ID on this one, I forgot what it was called...




Orange Monti Temporarily in the sand until I get some more super glue, I dont think I can keep this one alive upder my 96 watt 50/50 but ill put it up top and see what happens




Ill get a better pic of him once he stops movin around so much :D




Whole tank with a sad looking carnation coral, Anyone have any idea why its slouching?

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water movement... i would maybe get another PH and make some custom spray jets... maybe a spraybar on the bottom in the back... i know i love mine... i'm just starting up a BF too, but i have yet to get any corals... maybe next week... i really like that sun coral... they're the ones that don't have a symbiotic algea to get they're food from right? so you HAVE to feed them by hand eh??





And your tank looks great!!!... i can't wait to see those frags start filling out...

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