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Question on chopping up BTAs

Costa Reefing

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Costa Reefing

So i have a green BTA with purple tips that seems fairly large. I'm kind of scarred but really want to try cutting it up, so i guess i'll see what happens. My question is when i cut it in half do i just make 1 cut and go straight through or do i make 2 cuts from the mouth out? Another question just for reference is how long should you wait until it can be cut up again, is it possible to cut it again as soon as it heals or should you let it heal and then wait some more?


This is the BTA in question


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I have done this with my Rbta many times first thing is to get the nem out of the tank and place flate so you can clearly see the mouth. Next take a steryl razor blade and cut from the mout out to the tenticles then cut the other side the same way so you will have two cuts to cut it in half. You can actually cut it in 4 pieces if you want just make sure you include a piece of the mouth in each section. Here is a link for a video in the vid he uses a knife I don't suggest it unless its super sharp like a fillet knife you don't want to stress the animal more than needed.

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Costa Reefing

I actually just saw this video but dont have a big knife to use, i was going to use a new razor blade. So i cut from the mouth out. Cutting it in 4 seems like too much of a risk to me since i have never attempted this before. Once i have some experience i will try cutting them in 4 but for now i want to stick on the safer side.


How long do you wait until you decide you can cut the nem again?

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I would wait a good 2-3 mo. before cutting again let it heal and get good and happy. Yes use a razor blade like I said I don't recommend using a knife. Razor blade is nice and sharp less chance of getting infected and also tearing the flesh of the nem. Smooth and clean is what your looking for.

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couple of ways you can do it use the corner of a credit card or safeway club card and gently pick at the edge, or you can use your fingernail gently of course. you can also suspend the rock out of water and your nem may just drop on his own. There is also a trick where you take an ice cube and touch the edge of the foot of the nem and it will release a lil so you can get something under it. There are all kinds of tricks.

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You don't have to be too delicate with them trying to get them off the rock.. you are in fact going to cut it in half. Be reasonable though.

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Thanks for the help! Its been about a week now and seems to be making a speedy recovery


Got any pics? Im really interested in seeing a before and after. I bought a RBTA, and in the LFS tank it was about 4" across. After a few days in my tank, and it opened up to almost 8"!! Im not planning on cutting it up, BUT if its doesnt split in the next few months, Id consider it.

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Costa Reefing

This is a pic of the nem after i cut:




Back in the tank, i put the 2 in a box so the clowns would not stress them to death. (About a week after being cut)




Once the mouth had closed up i let them go. They went into hiding for a couple of days and bleached out quite a bit. Heres a pic from just right now (they look more bleached in the pic than from what they really are), the one to the right just started eating a few days ago and has recovered some color but the one to the left just grabs on to food but wont eat it.



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