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Cultivated Reef

My JBJ LED nano at 12 months old


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Wow! Your tank is looking great! I especially love your clams. From the video it looks like you have a maxima and a squamosa? If so they are going to get as large as your tank! :) Its cool that you posted a video. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see how it changes.

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Wow! Your tank is looking great! I especially love your clams. From the video it looks like you have a maxima and a squamosa? If so they are going to get as large as your tank! Its cool that you posted a video. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see how it changes.


Actually they are both Maximas a blue and a gold but as you can see the gold looks more brown under the leds I guess because the leds contain no uv that the gold would need more reflective Zooanthelia to reflect the uv so it doesn't have as much gold pigment, This is good and bad in the leds, now there are uv leds available. JMO of course!

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