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chaeto wont grow


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my chaeto wont grow in either of my tanks i have an 8 gallon bio cube and also a 24 gallon nanocube i am wondering why it wont grow any advise will be good thanks

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i have it in the back of the 8 gallon biocube with the lid closed and it recieves its light from the tank itself and the one in the 24 gallon biocube i have it in the back as well and gets light from my metal halide

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What are your other parameters at? phosphate? nitrate? Maybe you have good water and the chaeto wont grow because there is no available nutrients for it. Or, you have one of the 573 different types of chaeto that grows slowly.

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I have the same problems. I mentioned this to john. I have Nitrates present.. (small amount... i over feed !@) i know it. I xperimented. I put some in a basked in my fuge and in teh dispaly DID NOT GROW at all. Terrible. The mangroves i bought are finally starting to show rooting but ZERO leaves. i don't know how to proceed. I hear of people trimming their chaeto. Wish i could. Any advice would be appreciated.

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my nitrates are always about 5 to 10 ppm in both of the tanks but the phosphates are usually lower not much of any sign of them

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If your Magnesium is too low the chaeto cannot transport nutrients across its cell walls. Magnesium is one of the ions used in the transport mechanism.

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I added this in another chaeto thread, you need to have both nitrates and phosphates for it to grow. A ton of NO3 and no PO4 and it won't grow. Same the other way around. The lower level between the two is always your limiting factor. People who are trimming their chaeto all the time do so because it has a ton of nutrients to use up. If your goal is nutrient export and it's not growing you should be happy as long as it's not light limiting its growth.

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I have a BC 14 and have had a BC29 with MH - there is no way that the cheato is getting enough light in the rear compartment from just the main tank lights. That's the whole reason the tanks now come with the square clear in the back now so you can add a light to the back for cheato.

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it needs some FLOW. very important....get some flow thru it and it will begin perking up...also sounds like its not getting direct light....expecting it to grow from spillover lighting isn't always realistic.

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I had a ball of cheato, for over two years, it had a 13w cf and a tank that probably hovered around 5 to 10ppm nitrates, never tested phosphates. The cheato didn't even double in size in two years. some species just grow slow.

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Ok some direct light I heard the lights from like home depot work not even that strong light is that correct also maybe I can get a submersible light does anyone know where I can find one cheap thanks for all the help too my chaeeto is to keep my nitrates and phosphate down but I would like it to get bigger and have a pod population

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  • 2 months later...

If i went with the chaeto option in the back of my nano cube 12g JBJ, what submersible light would I need in order for it to be sufficient

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