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I read the all the articles and still have so many questions...


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I really really want to do this. I currently have 2 cichlid tanks. A 150g and a 55g. I enjoy them, but I really want to experience the diversity of saltwater. I figured that this was the place to start.


First I guess I will start with what I would like, then you can tell me what I need to get there ;)



A. Clown fish and anemone. From what I have read so far, I need to limit the anemone choice to a BTA. Thats fine. And I have a list of clowns that like to live in it.


B. I love the Flame Hawkfish. I know he has problems, but that is probably what makes him so interesting.


C. A star fish. I really would like to have any star fish.


I understand that none of this can be added over night. The tank has to cycle and get stable and everything. No problem there.



1. Can I have Goals A, B, and C in the same tank? If not, which 2 are compatible?


2. What size tank do I need?

I was figuring on getting either a 20L, 20H, or 29. Would any of those be ok? Would one be better than the others?


3. How much light do I need?

I was figuring on the Corallife 24" 2x65Watt. Is that enough or too much?


4. How much flow do I need for this setup? I was looking at getting 2 - 300 GPH power heads for water movement. Is that enough or too much?



From what I read in the articles, the only other thing I need is:

* 50 watt Ebo Jager

* Around 4" of sand

* Live rock (Around 1.5 to 2 lbs per gallon of water)


Am I missing something? Anything wrong?

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Well, let me break this up a little:


Can I have the following in the same tank?


A. Clown fish and anemone(probably a BTA)

B. Flame Hawkfish

C. A star fish


What size tank would it need to be?

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4" sand bed = DSB. Might be more than you were looking for. Also, I think that 50watt heaters are recommended for +/- 10 gal tanks, you might want a bigger heater. You'll want to look into the starfish, some are almost sure to die (blue linkia) while others eat your livestock (green brittle).


I have been looking into the anemone/clown combo myself - the more I read the less attractive the idea seems. Supposed to be very difficult to keep in a small tank.

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Hello tackman. I am also a newbie. I have heard from many people that you need to have your tank established for approx 1 year (?) before adding an anemone, but I have no exp. with them. A clown and a starfish would be fine together but I dont know about flame hawkfish. Clowns will sometimes host in certain leathers and other things besides an anemone. Also I prefer the looks of the 20L than the 29, but that is personal preference.


Water- are you planning on buying water at LFS or getting and RO/DI unit. Tap water is not sufficient.


Lighting-are you planning on having a glass top on tank? 24" light wont fit on any of the tanks you are describing without a class top. Or are you getting a retrofit kit for your hood?

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Hey! Thanks for the replies!


I do plan on having a glass top to help with evaporation.


Actually this has changed in the last 30 minutes ( Does everyone else change their minds a lot?)


I think that an 18 High (20X10X20) will fit my space better. Would that be problem?


I would get the 20" 1x96W Coralife Aqualight CF hood w/ Quad 50/50 -Square Pin for the 18H.


I can get RO water for $.25 a gallon at the LFS or I can get ready to go salt water for $1 a gallon. Do yall think that the salt water is worth it?

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Originally posted by hammbo

4" sand bed = DSB.  Might be more than you were looking for.  Also, I think that 50watt heaters are recommended for +/- 10 gal tanks, you might want a bigger heater.  You'll want to look into the starfish, some are almost sure to die (blue linkia) while others eat your livestock (green brittle).


I have been looking into the anemone/clown combo myself - the more I read the less attractive the idea seems.  Supposed to be very difficult to keep in a small tank.



1. I thought that DSB was a good thing :blush: I guess you are saying it isn't?


2. If it was easy it wouldn't be rewarding.

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the flamehawk fish is a very beautiful fish isn't it. but with a tank your size i would not recommend it. they have a tendency to become aggressive and territorial. not all but there has been occasions. not to mention they are pigs!!!! it may devour any small ornamental crustaceans. and if you still want to get one be sure not to have shrimp in your tank or they will be eaten. as far as your dsb goes i would rather you read up more on it. there are many pros and cons (more pros) re a dsb.

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and also with you being new to salt water i would recommend that you don't have an anemone. they are very delicate and with your inexperience it will suffer and possibly die. you should read up on them and find what their needs and wants are then ask yourself "can you really keep an anemone happy".

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I agree. I'm not starting with an anemone. It is just one of my goals. I wanted to have a setup that would support one down the road.


What would be the best setup for an anemone?

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i would recommend a tank no smaller than 25-30 gallons. they are reef dwellers so if you plan to keep one make sure you start up a reef system. they also need very good water movement.

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for an anemone you need very strong lighting. (vho or mh preferably) good water movement, prestine water conditions, fed a variety diet, ect. there isn't much really known about anemone's and why they don't survive very long in captivity. though they will live for hundreds of years in the ocean. the longest (to my knowledge) that an anemone has live in an aquarium is 5 years. and was taken care of very carefully. not to mention that they will release toxins into your tank that will kill everything you have worked so hard to get. (everything) if you want to try with an anemone i would get a separate tank and keep him in there. (after you get some experience under your belt)

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I really appreciate your honesty.


I read a lot about them on reef central and from there, it sounded like it might work out.... but from what you are saying, it doesn't sound like an option.


Well, that is kind of depressing, but I can live with it.


How big of a tank does that flamehawk need?

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for light i would recommend pc's. in the range of 6500k-8000k which you can get in the 27w range. get a mixture of 50/50 for best results. and if your going to go with the 29 g i would use 3-4 tubes. just my preference. you can go more if you wanted. as far as water movement there are many powerheads you can use. i myself like the emperor 400. good water flow. or if you don't want a bulky powerhead you can always go with a compact wavemaker. zoomed makes a pretty good one.

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as far as your clown goes there are many other things you can add to your tank that the clown will host. they don't need an anemone to be happy. and being that your just starting i would go with a pair rather than one.

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Great! Thanks for all the help.


What would you suggest for a beginner to use for a host?


Also, I was thinking about going with a coralife halide pendant with the 175 watt bulb. Would that be better?

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Check out the question I posted about hosting. I also wanted to know what else that is more hardy it may host in my tank as I wont have an anemone. There were a couple suggestions on it.

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Yeah, I saw that.... but I was interested in which one would be best for a beginner.


It looks like there are several beautiful alternatives.

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well you can't make the clown host with anything. he chooses what to host with. i have two and i also have two anemones. a carpet and a bta. one of my clowns hosted with the bta but the other hosted with my thermometer. kinda crazy. your lighting choice is good.

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