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Mangroves in Nano-HELP!


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About a week ago I placed six red mangroves in my 5.5 gallon aquarium. They looked very healthy when I got them and have recently started to look a little worse, which is what I expected. I thought they would have "perked" up a little more by now, but I'm still not quite sure. My s.g. is about 1.025 and I have them under a 75W philips plant grow light. Are my conditions fine for them? Here is a picture so tell me what you think.


Thanks, James



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What he said. If there are leaves, that is how the Mangrove gets rid of salt in its body. You could take a damp cloth and regularly wipe the leaves off as well.

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Well I have read up on them a lot and came to the conclusion that it is because I immediately put them in the salt water tank and didn't slowly acclimate them like I should have. Bad news is, I already took them out. I'm going to keep fish so I need to put a top on it anyways. I was upset because they look very good in there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am not sure if my mangroves were really that tempermental. I just threw them in my sump under the light and they shot out super long roots and them sprouted. it took about 3 weeks from pods to sprouts. I don't rinse them off, i dont have a sandbed for them and they seem to be growing like crazy. i ultimately feel they are more of a novelty/ astetic thing anyways in a nano tank if you are doing regular water changes and dont overload/ overfeed your tank. idk just my .5 cents

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