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Cultivated Reef

clean up crew

nano man can

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nano man can

i have a 20 gal tank w/ LS and 22lbsLR right now i have 10 nassarius snails 5 astrea and 5 blue leg. could i get 10 more nass snails 5 more astrea ?

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that is a lot of snails.


It is usually 1 per gallon and 2 per gallon on hermits. I broke the rule with the hermits though ;)

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nano man can

yeah i guess ur right so should i get 5 more astrea so i got 1 snail per gallon and get 10 hermits. does that sound better. any suggestions on what i sgould do. i also got some bubble algae and i heard that emerald crabs are good at getting rid of it but if theres not enough they will start eating ur coralline algae.

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I would get 5 more snails and then some more hermits. Then pick the bubble algae off yourself. Just make sure a bubble doesn't stray off and go through a PH like mine did X)

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