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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Observations with Chaeto/Graci and Pods


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I recently traded some macro with on the fly, i gave him some red gracillaria and he in turn traded me some chaeto. Lately ive noticed my pod population has dropped considerably and im wondering if its in relation to the addition of chaeto.


I used grac exclusively with some maidens hair before and had a large pod population. With the addition of a scooter blenny (a gift from my wife and i dont wana upset her by taking it back) im concerned about the level of pods my tank can produce. Prior to the blenny there were pods everywhere. Im just wondering if anyone has had the same results with chaeto or if anyone has had massive pod growth with other types of macros. I might just switch back to grac permanently.

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These are just speculation / guess at possibilities ...


a. The chunk of Graci you sold was their prime breeding spot. The drop in pod production is due to a loss of nursery. Pod levels will slowly rise as they move into the chaeto or a different chunk of Graci (if any remains).


b. They like chaeto less (it does have slightly larger hairs, pods generally like smaller/finer. Pod levels will increase but may not reach the old high.


c. Something else changed, that you don't know about or haven't shared with us. Pod levels will continue to suck.


d. Your cats are poisoning your aquarium because they are jealous of the attention you give it. You will buy a dog.

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Sorry Buddha,


My pods have gone ape shiznit since the grac has begun to expand. I also noticed the grac has helped to curb the growth of the chaeto. When I first got it, it expanded 5-8x in once week and I had to trim it everyweek. Now it seems like it's every 3 weeks or so.


Give it some time, I think you'll see the pods come roaring back!

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hehe no prob man. Not your fault. :P I think pods just like the grac more. Are you lighting 24/7? I might cut mine in half to see if pods spawn better with more darkness.

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24/7 here!


I have the shrimpy looking ones (amphipods I believe) as well as the "flatter" species........:D You wouldn't think I'm in science with my "wonderful" taxonomic descriptions would you!

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uh dude you answere you questions about your drop in number of pods. you added a scooter blennie. THEY EAT PODS! one can wipe a nano clean of pods in a matter of a day or so.

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Originally posted by offsprg01

uh dude you answere you questions about your drop in number of pods. you added a scooter blennie. THEY EAT PODS! one can wipe a nano clean of pods in a matter of a day or so.


As i stated above, there was a drop in pods before i even added the blenny genius.

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