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Protien Skimmers??


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i have a new 20 long that i started about a week ago. and i have no idea how an actual protien skimmer works. what are my options, price is not a factor.... pls help!

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i think that mostly every one agrees that an aqua c remora is the best skimmer out there for our hobby. the only thing is the price. for about $100 les you could get a prizm for about 50-60 dollars. thats what i use on my 20L. i've owned a bunch of skimmers, and the prizm works perfectly well. the only thing about it is it makes a little bit of noise. not a real problem though. i run it about 12 hours a day, and the collection cup always has brown gunk in it.

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penam heres how the protein skimmer works: The idea behind a protien skimmer, is to create a flow of water, with a flow of very very very fine bubbles flowing the opposite direction as the water. As the bubbles flow through the water, each bubble creates a surface area, collecting the protien oils on the surface of each bubble. Imagine the total surface area of all those tiny little bubbles. As the bubbles rise through the water and collect waste, they expand and are forced up out of the water column covered in brown, smelly, coffee looking goop. if you have ever been to a beach and seen all the brown foam washed up on shore thats natures way of skimming. and we try and duplicate that in aquaria. it is used to remove protiens from the water column, before they have a chance to break down into ammonia and nitrates. there is two types of protein skimmers: counter current and venturi. counter current uses a wooden or porcilin air stone to produce very fine small bubbles that then flow up, against the water flowing down. venturi system uses a strong high pressure water pump, to jet water through special venturi valve shaped like a ><. As the water passes through this, it is injected with air, and the change in pressures as it is pushed through the >< create a very tiny bubble, which is when mixed when blasted into the skimmer. there are many options as far as what protein skimmer to use. i personally have had really good luck with my seaclone in my 25 gallon. i run it 24/7 and empty the collection cup every other day. 3/4 way full. the remora c is also another good skimmer. i tried the prizm but didn't really have luck with it. it didn't really skim the way it should. but then again others love it. there are the crp back pak skimmers out there that you can purchase as well but with the bio balls your just adding to the nitrate and ammonia problem. do some research and you will see what skimmer works best for your set up. just a foo note stay away from the visi jet skimmer. i have heard only bad news about it. the old saying (you get what you pay for)

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Thanks for the great description, drewmd.


I am looking into purchasing a Sander Piccalo (sp?) model skimmer as it is smaller than most. I just set up a 12 gallon acryllic eclipse, and I dont want a huge loud skimmer sticking off the thing if I don't entirely need it.


There is some debate that protein skimmers arent necessarily good, and that weekly water changes and deep sand beds to facilitate anaerobic organisms that convert nitrates into nitrogen, would be a good substitute. Some say that the skimmers remove trace elements. Others say that all tanks should have one (notably, Fenner, the author of Concientious Aquarist).


I am a newbie, but a previous roomate with a 12g nanoreef used the piccalo and later an older model of the prizm. The piccalo was nowhere near as loud, and both did the job.


Anyone out there have a good experience with a Sander Piccalo?

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artooman don't you mean the sander piccolo? lol just correcting your spelling. i have a freind that uses that same skimmer and he loves it. produces lots of skimmate. for your 12 i would say that this would be a good purchase. good luck to you.

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and also imo i always tell people that they need a skimmer. for one you don't have to do as many water changes (only 1 or 2 times every other week is best) and you don't stress the fish out as much by doing this as well. some would rather not have a skimmer due to the fact that it's another piece of equiptment to worry about. it they only knew the amount of waste they take out i bet they would use them. but yea you could go skimmerless and have to do a water change almost every 3-4 days to compensate. but why would anyone want to do that. it's a hastle and you really won't have the time you would with a skimmer to actually enjoy your tank. know what i mean? and bob fenner is somewhat a freind of mine. i met him at a few shows he spoke at. very nice and intelligent guy. if i were you i would stick to a skimmer. and not to mention the amount of ammonia and nitrates your tank will be producing without a skimmer. bad bad bad.

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