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Coral Vue Hydros

How do you get your coral frags?


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Hey, I'm totally new to this and was just wondering how people get their coral frags? I don't currently have a bigger reef I can take them from, much less I don't want to go buy coral from a LFS, because I can't use it in my nano-reef without wasting most of it I think (which I defintely DON'T want to do!), so I was just wondering what people recommened to someone just starting out, especially with nothing to trade people.

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I see a ton of frags at my LFS. Have you checked everything they have? Try going to another place that might have more of a selection.

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That is a tuff one. The best thing to do is meet someone in your area on here and do some trades, or buy some frags from them.

Most LFS's in my area don't carry frags since they don't make any money off of them.


Also try to find a local reef clubs in or around your area.

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when it comes to frags, i've been pretty lucky. the guy that owns the lfs by my house is a really cool guy. he's broken pieces off for me before. i've got some really nice zoo frags(for cheap) because there's no way i would have paid the price $$$ for the whole colony. he even split a torch coral for me because i didn't have enough space for the whole piece. even though that piece has almost grown to it's original size, but that's another story. whenever he gets big shipments of corals, there's always a few stragglers that fall off their rock(zoos, shrooms, & rics), and he's always happy to sell me these single pieces for like a couple of bucks. i guess that's why they call me the "frag man" whenever i walk in. just go to your lfs whenever they get a shipment of corals, and check out the sandbed of their coral tank, i'm sure you'll eventually find some nice pieces that way....

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WOW! I definately need to find a place that will break off or cut off pieces for me!!!

But I'll second what everyone says about ordering online or searching the LFS. Usually you have to ask about frags. They don't usually put tiny pieces up front to show off as prize corals.


As I stare at the new $6 sun coral frag I found.....



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