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CUC, oddball inverts, and macros


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Hey John,

Just letting you know I'm starting a 7.5g ADA and it won't be dry for that long. I'm going to be ordering my clean up crew from you and any oddball inverts you have.


So if you see any peaceful and small interesting inverts let me know!

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I have been keeping some oddball crabs around here. You know, funny that you mention it I have been checking out lots of the gobies and blind shrimp pairs that live in the mudflats here. Found hundreds of pairs looking for mantis shrimp. I should shoot you come pics for ids. There are a few oddballs out in those holes....I found out about a clam that grows commensally (dont care if that it isnt a real word I am using it), with larger mantis shrimp. They aren't colorful though. That is the thing about most interesting inverts, they aren't colorful.

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Would you be able to collect these pairs? I want to set up a pico and I woudn't mind having another shrimp/goby pair if they are small enough.

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I don't ship fish at this time, and I haven't collected them because I don't really have much to do with them, my current setup wouldn't work. But I will get some pics of these guys..at some point./ :) It will take some time because I would prefer to do it with an underwater camera that I don't own yet. They look like close relations to dash gobies, but seem to have a higher dorsal fin...my eyesight isnt good enough to make the details through a mask with everything moving around.

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not 100% These pairs are all tiny. I mean really tiny, the fish seem to top out at about an inch, (I think they are dash gobies, but there are so many clear small goby species I feel I may have to catch one and put it in a cup with and look with a magnifying glass to make out all the fins for a positive id). It is a really thin 1 inch, the shrimp are about half the size.

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getting walk in hours is something I am working on actually. We have limited parking at the warehouse, but after 5 the parking opens up a bit.


Is airport delivery something that interests any of you? That service seems workable. Otherwise the rates for overnight with Fedex are prohibitive.

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I'm actually pretty interested in these gobies haha. I'd be interested in them if you start shipping fish.

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I would feel comfortable shipping fish that way. Otherwise I feel like how many times do they get turned upside down in travel? Vertebrates aren't as tough that way... Airport delivery is also reasonable, I want to say it is approx. $50 even if I don't get any special ag rates and the box could be pretty heavy. It also gets there in a few hours in most cases.

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Sound like it would work. I'm curious now, what other cool things can you get that have interesting behaviors but not necessarily colorful?

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I collected some of those blue tentacle spaghetti worms yesterday. Long tentacles for such a small worm..there is a colony of hermits living a stationary life in irregular worm shells at this one location. I dont think they would stay that way if you put them around shells, but I think the larvae settled there on accident and it is the only homes they can find. I come across cool nudis too, they are colorful though usually and hard to keep. I did well with a red sea goddess for awhile but it disappeared recently. Not sure how long they live, but I feel like I must have collected him as newly settled, and he lived approx. 7 months? Definitely ate sponges. Different decorator crab species, venus clams, cockles, pen shells, predatory snails, sea frost...sea frost looks cool by the way. Breaks up easy though, haven't kept it yet but it interests me. There is the items in the official what else you can get thread, most of which are available now, and I can also find lots of tiny micro snails, and hermits and the like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well it took forever but I have a pair of those gobies now I was telling you about AM. The pair wasn't with a shrimp, I guess they got tired of the 3rd wheel? lol... I have pictures coming soon too. They are tiny little guys... the smaller of the two follows so close in tow that when I netted the one the other followed, just swam right into the net. :) I have them in a 180 now, I think they might get lost in there, they are about 1 inch and thin, the smaller of the 2 is dwarf cerith size. Will upload the pics by tomorrow night for sure.


Also I found another goby species I think you would be interested in. I will probably collect one at some point and add him to the 180, I was thinking of making it a tiny fish tank. Have it always look empty...

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Will upload the pics by tomorrow night for sure.



Baaaaahahah. Funniest thing I've heard on NR in a while. John + pics = No way.

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we will see who gets the last laugh, the pictures are already taken, now I just need to find the wire to hook it up to the computer and we are all set.

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