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Refugium for 90 gallon tank


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Alright i'm new here and after reading some posts i'm alittle confused. I have a 90 gallon tank with 4 fish and about 40 lbs of rock with only mushroom coral.


I have had very bad luck with this system. I can not get my nitrate levels below 40 PPM and that is the best it hasd been but i have had to use $20 worth of nitrate sponge with 15 gallon change every week.


I was about to try the RO system for water changes but remembered anout the refugium system.


Now i have a overflow tank with a wet/dry filtration without any bioballs and a small handful of clarapa with a protein skimmer.


Can i replace the sump for the refugium or is the refugium an addition to the sump. I went out and got a 20 gallon tank and was going to build a refugium tomorrow but after i read some posts, most guys have a smaller tank then me.


Do i have to use the sump and refugium together or can i get rid of the wet-dry and replace it with the refugium?

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I would recommend using both on that size of a tank. I would also recommend getting more rock for that system. 40lbs is not enought to handle the filtration needs for that size of tank. You should have at least 1lbs per gallon of water.

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yea i have a sump and a refugium i built them my self they can be to seprate systems or one ... you can run the refugium in to the sump or just have another line out ... it really up to you

but depending how big your tank is ... or what yo uwanna make your sump/refugium out of

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thank you guys and girls but i'm going to try the refugium first and if it doesn't work like i think it will i will try to build something together to see if two systems will work. The flow between the sump and the refugium have me thinking of how to make it work, with the flow that is to get equal flow from one tho the other.

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I am kind of in the same fix you are and let me tell you what we are planning on doing. My husband swears this will work. First we did clean out our sump pretty good and we actually got our nitrates down to 20ppm after having struggled with 40ppm forever. We have an 80 gal tank and are going to use a 15 gal refugium. We will have it to the side of the tank and have a pump in our main tank(properply protected so no fish get caught) and that will pump into the refugium which will have an overflow hose coming out of it down into our sump via gravity. I don't know much about refugiums but it sounds like it will work. Maybe this is a setup that could work for you unless others here tell me it won't. Any advice is welcome and wanted!! Thanks


P.S. I know this is a nanocube forum but when it comes to refugiums it's one of the few I could find where anybody really knew anything about them so I hope you don't mind me intruding even though I don't have one

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