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Coral Vue Hydros

how much time till full grown ??


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Thanks on the complements , Its a 5.5 gallon tank , and i have aproximatly 2-3 lbs of LR . Ill be puting in a pound more or so and thats it for live rock , i want my fish to be able to swim. :)



Im glad you like my tank !!! :D




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Hey would it be ok if i placed a small purple sea urchin ?? Or will it be fish food?? i have a T/P clown and a baby yellow taid damnsel. ???

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OOhhh and can you guys tell me whats the name of that green grape like coral ive see in some tanks before ?? It looks preety !

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sounds like a bubble coral, in your 5.5g it would take up half the tank when it let out it's long stinging tentacles. Probably not a good coral in a tank your size.

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Sorry for so much question you guys, I apreciate the help so much :) , Im a newbie in the nanoreefin art and saltwater this is my first saltwater, and everything is going somoothly :) so far so good ..


Heres another question -


What are the greenish stain like mark on my rocks ?? and wats that purple thingy on the rock also ??


Take a look >>

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Green is the green flavor of coralline--very common on new tanks, but it usually gets out-competed by the pink/purple flavors.


Purple looks like formierflinge$#@^%@ans. Forgot the spelling--check the reefs.org hitchhiker faq--great resource w/ lots of pics.


LFS's sell a lot of flame scallops. Nobody (and I mean absolutely nobody) has had any sort of luck keeping them past 6 months--whatever they live off of remains elusive.


Urchins are cool bulldozers. They eat A LOT. I don't know about your particular one though. Many bore holes in LR, and most eat A LOT of coralline. Careful with whichever one you get--you might have to find ways to supplement it's food supply in a nano.


Bubble corals are waaaaaay cool, but as with many LPS corals, demand a lot of real estate--the sweepers on mine are normally only about 2" long, but if I move a coral close to it, it'll easily reach 6". They also get very big very fast. An open brain is a hardy coral that would be better suited to your scale of tank.



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i have had my flame scallop for over 6 months and it is growing and looks completely healthy with very active bio-illumenescence. i feed my tank dt's live phytoplankton.

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Ok. Flame scallops are not for beginners and have an extremely high mortality rate.


From Toonen, July 2002 Advanced Aquarist


If, however, you are not feeding mixed phytoplankton and zooplankton of the appropriate size on a regular (and by this I really mean at least daily) basis, adding a flame scallop to your aquarium is quite simply a death sentence for the animal, because it is going to starve to death.



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