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Innovative Marine Aquariums

kenya tree placement


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Does anyone have a picture of how they placed their kenya tree when first introduced to their aquarium? I thought mine would be attached to rock when I ordered it, but it isnt. Instead it is attached to two cylindrical pieces of something that looks like LR.


Do I just prop it up against something so that it is pointed upward? or do i need to place it into a hole on my LR or what?




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It should be placed according to its requirements. Lighting and current requirements. This coral is also called a Cauliflower Soft Coral. The basic requirements are as follows


Care Level: Easy

light: Moderate

Water Flow: Medium

Placement: All

Dominance: Semi-aggressive

So this coral will try to get to the light and should be placed where it can get this type of lighting. The Kenya Tree Coral relies less on the symbiotic algae within it, and depends more on obtaining outside food. So lighting is important but does not have to be the focus on this type of coral. This all depends on your tank and how deep it is. I put mine not in direct flow but just enough to sway it slowly. The good thing is it will react to its environment and open and be happy or close and pout. Trial and error. A good thing is look at similar tanks pictures in the member galleries and there placement. Good Luck..

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There are a few hi res shots of my Alife 7G (27W 50/50 PC) with capnella in it. I propogated all of the capnella in there. Around a year ago I had a 1" tall piece that I put in my 2.5G on the top of the rock in direct flow to see how it would do:




Here is the same capnella 11 months later (it is about 1/2 way open btw): http://www.repositorical.com/Aquaria/MiniB...04/IMG_0455.JPG


Now it is too large for the tank (around 7" fully open and is splitting down the middle) and I'm going to cut it out and propogate as it is aggravating the hammer.


Capnella can adapt anywhere I've found in propogating and branchlet dropping. I still find pieces in the weirdest places.


It's pretty much your call on placing it however it will take a few weeks to fully open and depending on your flow it may grow fast or slow. Post some pics once you have it placed. :)

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