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ala's ADA 60-P


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  • Equipment
  • Tank: ADA 60-P (18 gallon)
  • Lights: Aqua Illumination Sol Blue
  • Filter: Fluval G3 running ESV Carbon, G-nodes
  • Pump: Vortech MP-10 ES with Battery Backup
  • Heater: Hydor ETH-200 In-line
  • ~18lbs Marco Dry Rock, 0.5lb Live Rock
  • Generic Lilypipes
  • ESV Salt
  • Typhoon III RO/DI
  • 1 Ocellaris Clown
  • 1 Black & White Ocellaris Clown

After many months of deliberating on what equipment to buy, I have finally started setting up my tank. There's no water in the tank in it yet but the rocks are waterwelded and good to go. AI Sol Blue's are hung, but I am waiting on some white shrink tubing to house the cables in so they blend in with the walls. I'm going to run the majority of the visible cable behind the brackets, and have it feed out of the bottom right bracket into the AC and controller.


I'm receiving a Hydor ETH-200 inline heater this week, which will be connected to the outflow of a Fluval G3 filter. Generic eBay lilypipes on the in/outflow. I'm not sure what I'll run in the Fluval yet, probably g-nodes and carbon and maybe phosphate. There's ~18lbs of Marco rock in there now, and I have about another 10lbs that I might run in the Fluval as rubble, not sure yet. I'll add a nice small piece of LR from a local retailer to seed everything, but there will be no substrate. BB! MP-10 will be placed on the left side behind the tower once there's water. I need to find a way to hide that cable, might put it in white shrink tubing as well.


I'm using a typhoon III for my ro/di, and plan on doing 4gal WCs every week, ESV salt.


My girlfriend did this amazing aquascape!


Anyways, I plan on taking pictures semi-regularly and documenting the tanks's growth as it progresses. Livestock-wise I'm planning for 2 clowns, an anenome, some softies and lps. Maybe sps. Def a cuc.





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Looks great, I think you are right on with your scape, there is a lot of character there. If you get a chance, post where you found generic lily pipes, I have been looking for them.


Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Added water a week ago or so, and since then have hooked everything up (Fluval G3, lilypipes, inline heater, mp10). I am currently cycling with Dr. Tim's One and Only, which I added on 8/1. I'm not in a real rush to cycle but was curious as to whether or not this product worked. I'll post my water param log once the cycle is done to see how fast the cycle actually happens.


I'm thinking a pair of o. clownfish and an anemone will be my first purchase. Not sure which type of anemone yet though; any suggestions? I do love the way carpet anemones look, but I also like the look of BTAs swaying with the current


From one of the (crappy iphone) pics you can see the G3 sitting behind my couch. I was worried it was going to be noisy but there is literally zero noise coming from it. I'm pretty happy with it and the water has been crystal clear too.


Also, the mp10 is making the tank look like it isn't leveled, I swear!





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awesomeee another ada 60-p, definitely tagging along with this one :happy: amazing aquascape btw, im jealous lol


are you going to run a skimmer on it?

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Thanks guys!


Idk about a skimmer, I am trying to keep the tank as uncluttered as possible. I plan on doing 4gal wc'a a week, which is about 25%, so maybe my tank will be successful without one. Although if I do find a mame skimmer I might be tempted to pick it up.


Also, I forgot to mention that i'm using ESV salt. I find very enjoyable to mix

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Looks good Ala!

I also used marco dry rock and Bio Spira to seed my rock. I let the tank run for 2 days then added a bottle of Bio Spira, 6 hermits, and 1 sexy shrimp. Two days after that I added 2 clownfish and 1 cleaner shrimp. Parameters after 1 week were Ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-5.

Keep the updates coming.

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Looks good Ala!

I also used marco dry rock and Bio Spira to seed my rock. I let the tank run for 2 days then added a bottle of Bio Spira, 6 hermits, and 1 sexy shrimp. Two days after that I added 2 clownfish and 1 cleaner shrimp. Parameters after 1 week were Ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-5.

Keep the updates coming.


swull, wow that is fast cycling! i've dosed ammonia to the tank to what should have been 2ppm both monday and tuesday this week, but it is getting consumed very quickly. i think this is going to be a very speedy cycle. maybe i should think about a cuc before getting the clowns.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Quick Update: I've added a bunch of snails from reefcleaners, and also picked up a black and white ocellaris clown and a normal ocellaris clown. They are both pretty small, about 1.5", but the b/w one has noticeably grown during the 8 days he's been in my tank. I've been feeding ocean nutrition flakes, new life spectrum pellets, and mysis on occasion. Sometimes I soak the food in either selcon or kent's garlic.


I originally planned on getting an anemone, but I think I'm gonna change course and get a bunch of rics, a dendro, and a few zoas. Coral morphologic has some amazing rics; that website kinda convinced me to change my plans.


All of my parameters have been petty stable. Haven't bought a calcium test kit yet though, but have begun doing my weekly 4 gal water changes which should keep calcium and magnesium pretty stable (esv salt)


Sal 1.024

Nitrate <1ppm

PO4 < 0.05ppm

Alk 9dKH

pH ~7.9 (prob need to get this up. or maybe get a new test kit. I have the API one and it's difficult to read)


I bought the vortech battery backup in preparation for the hurricane last week. I didn't lose power thankfully, but will be prepared next time. It got me thinking about what I can do if power goes down while I'm not home, and my canister sits for hours "dying", and then turns back on and spews bad stuff into my tank and kills everything. I need some kind of breaker or switch so when the power goes down, the canister won't turn back on when power is restored, it stays off until I manually turn it back on. Does something like this exist?


In a week or so I might splurge and buy a few things to add some color.


Pics will follow in the next day or so

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  • 1 month later...
So bare and minimalist. I love the look.


Any pics with the fish in?


Thanks! I have take a few pics but they have all come out subpar. I'll give it a other shot this weekend and post

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...


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