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Coral Vue Hydros

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Randy Holmes-Farley (Blackbelt in Reefkeeping Chemistry) says that it will supplement both alk and calcium as advertised, but the concentrations are much lower than kalkwasser or any of the 2 part supplements. It will work for a system with a low calcium demand.



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you can make aragamilk yourself. get soe aragonite sand, put it in a crappy blender ( DONT USE MOMS !) I got one at a garage sale/ junk shop fer 3.00 put in 1/2 # aragonite, add a pint of acetic acid ( pure vinegear) and let blend fer 5 min. Allow it to sit and add a pint of rodi. Blend 5 min. letsettle, the acetic acid will have disolved the aragonite. you might have to try various vinegears to find out which one works best for U.

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My Conversation with Randy Holmes Farley went alittle differently.

He told me that Aragamilk had solids in it that could actually deplete my CA due to the Ionic imbalance (kinda like magnets) and that any product that is milky or cloudy was a bad Idea to use due to this effect. Maybe he has done research on this product since I chatted with him...hmmmmm I dunno.


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Toy- Saltwater is already supersaturated as far as CaCO3 is concerned--by introducing fresh, unpoisoned crystals (the cloudy stuff), you introduce a perfect place for precipitation--so yep, it may actually deplete what you've go in the tank already.


The CaCO3 crystals already in the tank are choked up with phosphates and other bound ionic stuff which prevents this precipitation from happening all the time.



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I dont use the product anymore and since have moved on to a Calcium reactor. I used kalkwasser for a couple of years though and I liked it's effects just not the work involved with mixing and dosing.



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  • 1 month later...

I am currently using it. Add it to my new saltwater prior to doing a waterchane (after adjusted SG), and let it dissolve for a while. Everything is going great, although I don't know if it is because of this, of course.

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I used it for a about a month. Did not work as well as the 2-part supplements. If you already have it, try it and monitor your Ca levels for about 2 weeks. See how goes and then let us know...

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Even thought of using kalkwasser? I and all my friends have used Kent's Kalkwasser for long time and are able to keep clams and sps corals that need a good amount of Ca. That milk stuff isn't a good as the German chalkwater (kalkwasser) in my opinion.

Well that's my $0.02.

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as far as using kents kalkwasser, you guys ever thought of just getting some pickeling lime and saving a couple bucks? same stuff 1/10th the price

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