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Coral Vue Hydros

Help with iPhone 4G Camera


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I know the camera on the iPhone 4G is supposed to take really nice pictures, but can anyone help me out with mine? Are their certain settings I should have it on to get the best quality? Are there any apps in the App Store that will boost the cameras performance? Any tips on how to take good pics with this phone??


Thanks all!




Like how can I get my phone to take pictures like these?



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Thrassian Atoll

a very steady hand and a magnifying glass. I do not have a steady hand though, so my pics look like crap. I am sure there are some other things to do. Looking forward to hearing some more responses, as I just bought mine not to long ago

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Hmm never thought of using a magnifying glass!


Echo the sentiments above, steady hand and a magnifying glass, though I've never used the magnifying glass. I've got a Sony Cyber shot for macro. For my iPhone 4, I use Photogenie as an app. Works well. These were taken at the NYC Aquarium with my iPhone 4










What I like about the iPhone 4 is the video. The video camera quality is quite good, IMO. And you can upload direct to Youtube. Supposedly, iPhone 5 will have an 8 megapixel camera.



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My pair of brown lensed polarized Ray Bans do a fantastic job on the lighting. The iphone is just like any other camera. The better the light the better the picture. Reef shots are difficult due to the contrast of bright light and dark. If you want your pictures to look as good as the ones in your sample link then you need to take your reef out into the sun.


A good example of what is going on with the camera... In the bright light, your pupil is small, in dark it expands. What you gotta realize is that the iphone's camera don't have the option of letting it's lens expand much. It is made for high lighting and the flash will only ruin the look of your reef.


Here is one to show how polarized lenses help control the light..




I think this is a really good Iphone pic and it was just taken normally. and the colors are actually dead on accurate. This is under Par30 4xRB 1x white. I got this shot by turning all the powerheads off.



While this is a great shot that would have look incredible with an advanced camera, It shows how the lack of light is going to make a grainy effect as well as the Iphone not having the ability to see different colors in low light. This is with 48 moonlight LEDs over a 36 gallon tank. It's bright enough to clearly see what the livestock is doing but not bright enough that the iphone can see any colors but the brightest glows of the coral.



Some of the best things to help with a shot is to try focusing on various light levels in the tank. Don't use the HDR either unless you have it set to save as normal also. HDR really kills the look of the good shots. The most important thing is to control the exposure. There is no app that is going to make the camera better at picking up light. While your lights in your tank do look bright to you, they would not even be noticed if you took them out in the sun.

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Wow you guys take some really nice shots with the iPhone! I can't wait to use my phone on my reef! Oh yeah and why not use HDR?

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Wow you guys take some really nice shots with the iPhone! I can't wait to use my phone on my reef! Oh yeah and why not use HDR?



It just makes for a bad picture in the tank where lighting is an important factor. Always makes it look over exposed with a bad white balance. The white balance is not made for a reef shot and HDR makes 3 exposures of it.

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Thrassian Atoll
what ever you do dont use HDR!

besides that its pretty damn easy.






No offense, but these pics look as crappy as the ones I can get with my iphone 4

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here's a sample of the type of photos i take with my iphone4. I use the tilt shift generator app and HDR setting. don't use the zoom on the camera, it gets totally grainy. this is about as close as i can get to a subject with the phone before it gets blurry. pretty decent for a camera phone whenever i can't bring along my dslr.

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here's a sample of the type of photos i take with my iphone4. I use the tilt shift generator app and HDR setting. don't use the zoom on the camera, it gets totally grainy. this is about as close as i can get to a subject with the phone before it gets blurry. pretty decent for a camera phone whenever i can't bring along my dslr.


Oh my god! That picture is amazing!

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iPhone 4 picture too. Agree about HDR, it tends to whitewash. I will turn it on, but I save both exposures so I can pick what I like better.





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No offense, but these pics look as crappy as the ones I can get with my iphone 4

i dont edit them. those other photos are.

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i dont edit them. those other photos are.


Yeah, I don't edit my pix either, other than use Photogenie to crop.


Hehehe, my Sony Cyber shot takes even better pix, but for some reason my iPhone took better reef pix at the NYC aquarium. That could be that my Sony is configured for my planted tank. More yellow tinge. Gotta reconfigure it for my reef system when I set it up. Has a great Macro mode. :) iPhone doesn't. :(

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Yeah, I noticed that too. The Macro on the iPhone isn't super. But what can you expect. The macro function can only be so good on a 5MP camera right?

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i dont edit them. those other photos are.


i only changed the flower to black and white. compared to the retouching i do as a profession, i'd barely say it was edited.

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