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Coral Vue Hydros

Snails leaving the water?


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I have some snails that are going to the 1/4 of area that dosen't have water in the tank so there foot and mouth part are almost completly out of the water. Every thing is fine and the water temp is 81.5.

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Hi MGXsport! I posted a thread like this earlier. See if our situations are the same. However, my snails are totally (not almost) out of the water.



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after watching them for about 30 mins they do an s pattern going up and down as they travel lengthwise across the tank.

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Yea, I've grown to ignore it. they do it all the time, its normal, i think there is some microalgae that is common around that area of the tank or something, plus for some reason snails, especially turbos like to be near the current, and that is the greatest along the sides of the tank near the surface.


I also had mine trying to pull off the great escape right out of the water..

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At least your snails go back to water; I think mine are waiting for the water to come to them :D


They're in a bucket right now w/ a cover, and they're all bunched up at the top of the bucket. One poster said they're worthless (sorry I forgot your name), but I have no other snail option as LFS here dont sell snails. They only sell fish. So everything else I must obtain myself from natural sources :(



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I read in a book somewhere that snails go up to the surface of the tank when they are stressed. However, reading some of the other posts I question this now.


When I introduced my snail, he spent the first night at the top of the tank... since that first night he's pretty much everywhere. Perhaps when they leave the bucket and move into a more natural like environment they will not hover near the top.

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my astr. snails ALWAYS come about 2/3s out of the water~ i dont ever fear that theyll actually leave b/c their instincts are to find algae, and theres no algae out of the tank....

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thanks for the help eveyone! All the other ones are missing in the many tubes and caves of my tonga rock. So he is the only loner venturing into the unknown oxygen land! :)

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What type of snails are they? Nerite snails will almost always stay at the top and very often venture out of the tank. Astreas will occassionally venture up but will eventually go back in the tank travelling.

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I wouldnt worry unless they never go back in. I have had many different species of snails climb out of the water for a while, then they go back in. Who knows what's driving them. But as long as they go back in there probably isnt anything wrong with your water. As mentioned before, Nerites spend a lot of time out of water. Mine hang out above the water line of my tank all day, then at night they go back in and feed on algae. Snails can maintain a pretty high level of moisture inside their shells, so dessication isn't a concern unless they cant get back into the water

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