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Should I even bother with hermits?


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Just a quick question for everyone who has hermits and snails. Is it even worth it to get hermits when there's the possibility they might kill the snails to get to their shells? I've heard that's one of the reasons, but not sure if there's more reasons why hermits kill snails. At $2+ a piece, I would try and eliminate anything that might possibly kill my snails, like hermits:)


I plan on adding several types of snails (astrea, nast, and those others that I can't remember at the top of my head). With a variety of snails and maybe a shrimp, hermits won't be required will they? What unique ability do they contribute anyway?:)


Thanks for any help!



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My hermits (blue legs and scarlet reef) spend more time on the rocks than the snails. The blue legs may have assaulted the occasional cerith, but I have had the same 10 astreas for 2 years.

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I have both hermits and snails..the blue legs are fine with my snails but I have a couple other hermits (I don't know what kind they are) that continually harassed one turbo until they killed him...now they are leaving everyone else alone...


Hermits are great if they are the blue leg

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Just make sure that you have a nmber of empty shells scattered around the tank for when the hermits are ready to move into a new "home". I recently tossd about 5 shells in my tank after watching two hermits pull another out of his shell and steal it. Everybody lived. It was just a quick round of musical shells, but if htey have new shells they are less likely to be a problem.

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IMO, as long as you have a variety of snails and sand sifters, hermits are not necessary. :)

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Thanks guys,


I think I'll skip the hermits for now, until I find some really tiny harmless ones. I heard the scarlet (or red legged??) ones are more docile than the blue legged, but I read conflicting posts on that so I dont know for sure.


As for the snails, I'm not quite sure what does what!


- Astrea - Algae eaters, but die if they can't right themselves. I don't want to have to babysit these guys :P

- Nassarius - sand sifters, detritus eaters???

- Cerinth - I heard algae eaters (good glass cleaners)

- Margarita - No idea. What they serve in bars?:)


Any suggestions on what they do would be great. Are these basically the snails available? Thanks again!

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I just got a mix yesterday. Blue Sierra barely had enough to scrap together a clean up crew.


The astrea are awesome. They are very slow but don't miss a scrap of algae.


The one cerith I got loved going through the sand and now has found his way to some rock.


The margaritas are really fast guys and have been all over the rock. I don't think they are as efficient of cleaners as the astrea's have been. I have also had to right a few of the margarita's. I don't know if they could have righted them selves but I didn't want to wait and see.

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I have:

Mexican Turbos - GREAT cleaners! But, they get big and become bulldozers. They tend to knock off small frags/rocks. But worth it in my opinion.

Astreas - Good at cleaning glass but yes, you do have to babysit. I end up buying new ones every 6 months or so because they fall in the back and die..

Cerith - Great for everything! Stay mostly in the sand and are good at keeping it clean. If you ever have a bout with red slime these buggers will clean it right up.

Nassarius - Good for sifting sand. Are fun to watch when you put food in the tank. They come up out of the sand to eat.

Black Mud Snails - Also good for cleaning sand and rock. They also come out of nowhere to eat.

And a brittle star - not quite sure what it does. Seems to be a good addition and the kids like it. :)


Like I said - I do not have any hermits. Used to have some red legs but they were making meals out of my snails. I have a good snail mix now and do not miss them a bit.


Hope this helps! :D

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I have a redfoot moon snail (does a nice job of cleaning the glass)

5 Margarita snails (These things are quick at stripping algae off of the rocks, but do a poor job on the glass, often you can see a trail on the glass of where they have been cleaning - But it's kind of fun to watch one hitch hike on the back of tte moon snail)

1 Green bristle serpent star (Doeesnt do much san sifting in my tank at all, he seems to prefer hiding in his cave with each arm coming out of another hole, or sunning himself on top of a rock).

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i have empty shells floating all over the place in my tank so its never been a problem...get the little blue leg ones with some empty shells and some nice med sized snails and its not even a concern.

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Just bought a Mexican turbo snail. Bulldozers I hear, but nothing seems to match their algae eating abilities, so far. Very happy with it.


However, I noticed something odd that I haven't seen mentioned in the forums. I could have sworn my Mexican turbo snail just ate a bubble algae. They don't eat bubble algae do they? I guess that's a plus, but I'm pretty sure I haven't read a single post about snails eating bubble algae. Only thing I've heard eating bubble algae are emerald crabs, correct?


Just wanted to know what everyone else thought of this. Any one else have mexican turbos that eat bubble algae? Maybe mine's just really hungry!

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I have what I think is a margarita (Black shell and body with long eye feeler things) that grab on to the bubble algae and then fall off and I have to rescue their sorry asses when they are on there backs.

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The only time I've had bubble algae it was under a rock and my Turbo's couldn't get there. I haven't read anything about it but I wouldn't be surprised. They are all over the place! I say count your blessings! ;)

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