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Cultivated Reef

Cheap setup w/out water changes


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I have a 10 gal I've been using for a quarentine, and want to put my clowns in it with a host. The clowns (at least the female) has tried everything available in my reef setup and has settled into large feather duster as a surogate. The clowns are pretty aggresive and I would like to get them out of the display and into their own tank. Unfortunately, I have been "requested" to quit spending so much money on the hobby.


My current equipment includes a 10 gal glass w/ top, hang on penguin 170 (with bio-wheel removed), about 8 lbs of LR, an 18watt pc and a heater.


I would run into resistance if I were to buy another protein skimmer, so I have been considering using a flowerpot coral as a host. Erik Borneman (writer of Aquarium Corals) suggests using a plenum w/out skimmer (Jaubert-style) as the best husbandry for flowerpots. I could probably get away w/ a cheap sump/fuge if needed and powerhead.


I wouldn't mind an anemone, and I could choose a different coral, but expensive lighting is out of the question.


Any input?

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32 views and no replies, so I guess I should clarify.


No Water Changes - what I mean is I don't want to have to keep changing water to keep up with nutrient overload. That's why I brought up the flowerpot coral and plenum system.


Any luck keeping macro in your nano, or does it need to be separate.

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So I guess they're coming from a much larger tank?


I really think that a host is unnecessary. The clownfish may end up just hosting your powerhead. I'd shy away from the flowerpot in a tank that small, and an anemone probably wouldn't be a very good idea. Have any softies you can frag and put in the 10?


I'd take the 10, and run a sump/fuge for added water capacity and nutrient export. Water changes really will be necessary in a tank that small, especially if you plan on keeping a flowerpot, or any other coral for that matter. A ten percent water change weekly would be fine. You can do a gallon once a week can't you? (2 gallons if you hook up a 10 gal. sump/fuge)

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I wouldn't buy a flowerpot at all. Almost impossible to keep in an aquarium. Your clowns don't necessarily need an anemone. How about a toadstool?

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I have a toadstool, and the clown attempted to hook up with it a while ago, but it didn't work out. She didn't like the zenia either.


I attached a pic of the female clown with a feather duster. I could just put some feather dusters in the nano, but I would like something different.

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