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starting a ten gallon nano n e suggestions


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my mom finally said yes. well she said its my money so im gonna start a 10 gallon nano. i will hopefully be starting within the next month just picking up little things on the way. i plan on gettin a


-10g aga

-Hagen Ph 201 (or 101 and get 2)*

-heater (100w or 50w) we dont have n e of the ebo jager or n e thing at my lfs or they only one i saw was like 60$ and it was like 75w this one is made by thermal or sumthin*

-deep six hydrometer

- Test kit- Marine sea (no calcium i think) or Hagen master test kit for fresh and salt water(calcium included i think)*

-instant ocean salt(thinking of going big so i dont have to buy it for a while)

-caribsed aragonite sand(15lb)

-mag float(med or large)*


-still need lighting*(trying to go with easy DIY for cost.or was thinking pc)


i was thinking of keeping one or two false percs. or one false perc with bicolor blenny or some type of goby or royal gramma or other small fish*. also some snails (cerith, nassairus, margaraita stuff from lfs lol)and a shrimp(cleaner or sumthin else)*. i also plan on not having a skimmer, but do want about 15lbs or a bit more of LR> my lfs has Fiji at 9.99/lb and then the other lfs i went to had no prices and i forgot to ask lol, i might get a bit of base rock too, my lfs has this white stuff called reef rock,(its pure white in a box(dont know if its reall stuff or wat lol)


* means need suggestions lol

and i am also open to n e other suggestions u can give me


the corals i was thinking of keeping are mayb shrooms xenia polyps and mayb some ricordia, also sumthin with like tentacles or sumthin(n e ideas) no anenomes though to much of a hassle and i dont like the idea of basically having them die when they are only in there for a few months(just my opinion) lolalso zoos.

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The heater depends on how much the ambient room temperature differs from the temperature of your tank. The prices at your LFS are atrocious (assuming thats american??).

For what you plan on keeping that light fixture would work fine, but I'd still go for the CSL 2x40w because of the higher quality ballast and enclosure, dawn to dusk, moonlight, and the option of being able to add metal halide into it later.

I'd spend the money to get all live rock. Live rock does all of your filtration, and in a tank that small you can't afford to give that up for the sake of a few dollars. Post a want to buy on reefcentral when you're ready for live rock, you can normally get really nice coralline encrusted rock from people who have extra or are breaking down their tanks for ~$5 a pound.

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