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Coral Vue Hydros

Planted Marine Pico


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ooh yay! The cloudy tank actually looks pretty cool. Almost like one of those layered sand vases or something :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

if it wasn't for the v shaped mud bar id think you had two different tanks. Looks nice , are you going to put a background on the tank or just leave it be? Do you plan to use supplement lighting? the reason i ask is cuz my wife has a freshwater chi the thought ran across my head to make a sw one someday but i dont think the lighting it comes with is enough to keep plants alive ... but we've only had it officially planted for two weeks and its near a window.

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I have to hand it to john maloney again. for the GREAT shipment today. I cannot highly recommend him enough. he is THE best! update again soon. once i let things settle in and i place everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...
haha a little too much red algae for that size tank huh? :)

hahahaha YEAH.... need to thin some of this out. SOON. but trying to give the nemastoma/sciana a chance to stabalize before i do. or even hopefully attach. before i do Anything. if it dies. well then. i can replace with another red thats in there now.... lol

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