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Cultivated Reef

new here...planning 10g: suggestions welcome!


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No.. I married a newfie!!!!


We live in toronto lol


His family is in Hare Bay, Bonavista Bay :D


Have you tried http://www.aquariumpros.ca ??


Nano-Reef is an awesome site....... dont' get me wrong.. but I also belong to to the other one.. and there are a few newfies where you can trade frags with and/or equipment. Unfortunately US $$ is exp. for us :D



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Hehe, guys I think I have one more question concerning this qtining process :P


After I clean the equip and eliminate any trace of meds, (these steps:)

>Upon using meds, before quarantining or treating fish again:

Clean HOB and 10g tank by:

-Soaking in vinegar and hot water ~12 hours


-Soak in hot water~12 hours

-Soak in hot water ~12 hours again


....would these steps be what I would follow after that? (in order to leave it running all the time)


-Fill up tank again with water from Main tank

-Turn heater on (no water changes when unstocked....top off water when necessary)

-Leave HOB filter on QT tank, but keep it off

-When QT tank is needed again, put in seeded filter floss from Main tank into QT tank HOB and turn it back on

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If you use meds in the tank, you will never eliminate them.


From what I understand, you would treat your QT tank as you would your show tank. Follow your regular maintenance etc.


If you use meds in that qt tank, you will not be able to put corals or inverts in it :)



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>If you use meds in the tank, you will never eliminate them<


true to an extent. a trace of any medication you add will always be around. but you want it to be at a bare minimum when adding new fish into it.(old fish already taken out and into main tank) cleaning is always recommended not all the time but maybe once a month. it's basically a hospital tank and there are always going to be meds introduced into it. so your never going to get rid of them anyway.


>If you use meds in that qt tank, you will not be able to put corals or inverts in it <


i disagree with that statement strongly. and wiggler i'd like to know where you got that info from. but anyways yes you can put diseased corals into your qt tank once you have stripped the qt tank from many of the trace elements of meds you used for your fish. not completely eliminated but at a safe level for your corals. won't harm then any at all. when buying corals you always want to make sure it's healthy (same with fish). what you should do is put a down payment on the different corals or fish you want from your lfs and let it set there for about another week or two. and afterwards when you come back to get them and they look healthy still then tank them home. and the reason for this is simple. if the coral or fish die at the pet store they can always exchange them but if you purchase them and tank them home and they die your just out of money. get my drift. and always once you bring them home always give a fresh water dip of about 3-5 minutes. to kill off any parasites or disease they may carry before adding to your main tank. it's good to know that you want to do your research before attempting this. read up as much as you can. you never know to much but can know to little.

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Drewmd.. thank you for clarifying...


I was under the impression (where I got the info is not important) that yo couldn't because even the small trace of say copper could kill your corals/inverts..


Drew.. thank you again for the clarification.



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I'm back again for one more complete post of my 10g nanoreef-to-be (I made a few little changes!) :D


If I'm given an overall "OKAY" on this setup plan, I'm good to go! ;)


10g nano reef


-10g standard tank

-Aragonite sand, 2-3"

-Live rock -cured, 12-15 lbs.

-Eggcrate Top


-50w Heater

-Two (Mini Jet 606) powerheads

-Aquaclear HOB filter with -Polyfilter (by Aquarium Systems) Media

-Coralife Aqualight- 1-96w Power Compact (96w 50/50 4-tube quad lamp) *on legs

-Light Timer

-Custom SeaLife MoonLite or DIY Cobbs LED Mood Lights into an AC/DC 110v 50/60Hz Adapter~set at 3v & 1000mA

-Gravel Vac siphon


-Test Kit (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, KH)

-Kent Marine Sea Salt

-Kent Marine Aquarium Buffer


1 Percula Clownfish

1 Sharknose Goby Gobiosoma evelynae

1 Cleaner Shrimp

3 Nassarius Snails

2 Astrea Snails

2 Cerith Snails

2 Margarita Snails



Mushrooms, Toadstools, Zooanthids, Polyps, Colt Corals, Leather Corals, Xenia, Sinularia ...


*Water Changes: (no additives [cal,idione,etc] to be used...just water changes)

Plastic 5g bucket


25w heater


RO Water

Kent Marine Aquarium Buffer

-Use RO/DI water...mix salt ~ 1.023-5 salinity

-Sit overnight with equip on

-Test salinity with hydrometer

-Test pH ~ 8.2 and KH (alkalinity) ~ 8-11dkH (Add Kent Buffer-one teaspooon in a glass of RO water-if both are too low)

-Siphon out 1g of water from tank, into another bucket and dispose of this water

-Add premixed water

-> Top off evap. water only with RO water, not salted water!


Quarantine Tank (left running all the time):

10g tank

50w Heater

Powerhead (to keep pH at 8.2)

Aquaclear MINI

-Filter floss media

5g bucket

Sm Gravel Vac


Eggcrate lid

-Hold wanted fish at LFS

-Run HOB Filter [filter floss media] on the main tank for a week

-Position heater and thermometer

-Fill q-tank with water from main tank

-Add ornaments for fish to hide (Pipes)

-After a week, transfer HOB to Q-tank

Adding fish to q-tank:

-Acclimate normally, drip q-tank water into bag until 4x amount of original water

-Net fish into Q-tank

-Leave there for 3-4 wks.

-Do frequent water changes with vac, from a DIFFERENT bucket than main tank(water params kept same in both buckets)

-Feed sparingly, bi-daily

-Siphon extra food out with rigid airline tubing


>Upon using meds, before quarantining or treating fish again:

Clean HOB and 10g tank (eliminating as much existing meds as possible) by:

-Soaking in vinegar and hot water ~12 hours


-Soak in hot water~12 hours

-Soak in hot water ~12 hours again


-Position heater, HOB and thermom again

-Refill QT tank with 10g tank water

-Leave all equipment running (HOB--no filter media)

-When unstocked, add small amounts of ammonia, or food left to decay, a few times a week to keep cycled

-When fish are to be placed in QT tank again, put in seeded filter floss from Main tank into QT tank HOB




Any final changes or feedback on that?

Thanks so much everyone!

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