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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My 12" Rimless Cube - restart


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I posted about this tank over 4 years ago, hard to believe it has been that long. A lot of things have happened over that time, including taking down the tank while my house was up for sale.


All that is over now, so I'm restarting the tank.


Essentially it will remain the same as it was, except I sold my 150 watt metal halide and purchased a PAR30 from BoostLED. This is a far better lighting solution for this tank, as I don't have to suspend the metal halide from the ceiling (which is pain as my house has high ceilings.) And it of course runs much cooler. I'm using a $15 gooseneck lamp from IKEA to hold the LED bulb.


The second improvement is I'm going to install an Iceprobe peltier cooler in the canister. The tank operates at about 81-82 degrees as the pump in the filter tends to heat up the water a few degrees. The Iceprobe should easily bring it back down to 77 or so.


I've got some dry rock coming in from Bulk Reef Supply, and will do some cutting and shaping of the rock to obscure inlet/outlets inside the tank. My goal is no visible plumbing.


Currently it is running with fresh water for a leak test (passed with flying colors) and while I calibrate the pump for evaporation.


Here is the FTS.




And a close up of the inside of the stand.




The canister filter is a Rena Filstar XP2. It's been modified with a 50 watt Hydor heater, which is currently unplugged in the photo. Due to the heat provided by the XP2 pump, I probably won't ever plug it in.


The auto top-off is an LMI Milton Roy diaphragm dosing pump that I purchased new off ebay. This one is rated to 110psi. The output goes directly into a T connector placed in the XP2 return. The container to the left of the XP2 and under the pump is the fresh water reservoir, it holds about 3 liters. When the tank was operational, it would keep the water level constant for about 10 days before needing to be refilled.


The Iceprobe will install on the front of the XP2.


I took a small fan and wired it up to a USB power adapter...I'm assuming the Iceprobe will create some heat that will need to be ventilated.


That's it for now, not sure what livestock I'll put in there yet. :)

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That setup is adorable. I remember when Peltier coolers like that started getting big back when I was into liquid PC cooling.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Here is the latest update...


The strainer inlet to the canister filter is hidden inside one of the rocks. The outlet is still visible from some viewing angles, but I plan to obscure it. The tupperware contains some rubble rock and bristleworms from a friend's tank in order to seed this new tank.


There is an IceProbe chiller mounted on the back side of the Rena XP2 canister filter with the heatsink extending rearward outside the stand, and a heater mounted inside the canister. The IceProbe controller is mounted on the right wall inside of the stand. Temperature stays at 78 degrees +/- 1/2 degree. There is no filter media, the canister is used strictly for water flow and additional volume.


There is a dosing pump that is used to replace evaporated water. It has a 3 liter reservoir which is good for about 10 days.


PAR30 LED (3 blue, 2 white) from BoostLED, with an Ikea gooseneck lamp.

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this is just like ninafish'es tank way back when


Yes, very much so. My posts way back when gave him credit for the idea.


The updates now are LED lighting, and the IceProbe.

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  • 6 months later...

Any updates on this tank? I'm curious about your water flow with that filter. I am planning on building a tank basically that same size and plan on running a fluval 204 canister onto it.

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