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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

White Stuff all over tank


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Ive had my tank for since december now and have been letting it sit a while b4 adding anything. Now there is some white cottage cheese stuff on the sandbed and on the rock i alsohave little white things growing over my rock and i dont know what it is.


tank specs



hob filter (empty for flow)

Heater (got fomr friend keeps very good temp though)

96 watts of pc

so far about 14 lbs of lr

shallow sandbed

Penguin powerhead


I do weekly water changes, but lately ive had some problems in the family and havent been had any time (its been without changes for 3 weeks :(.


Im just wondering if the white stuff is something i have to worry about and was it caused by the lack of water changes ( which is now back to my religious once a week change).


The test kit i have shows nitrates and nitrites to be almost zero and everything else is right on the mark.

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