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Cultivated Reef

MH or 260 PC?


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I'm majorly concerned with the MH lighting during summer time (in FL) my parents don't run the AC as low as I would like it, 76*, instead, they usually run the AC on at 82-84.


I've dealt with this problem by supplementing PC of my 29gal and didn't have a problem, as I had a enormous fan running right next to the tank.


But, that was also over a 29gal and not 10gal. I have a 250 watt MH ballast, and I will either order the 4x65 watt PC this weekend of buy a reflector and bulb for the MH.


My concern is keeping the temp at 78* which was achievable with the 29gal, and I don't know what to expect with a 10 gal.



Could I still keep a maxima and deresa and sps under 260 watt PC over a 10? I was going to MH all the way, but now this concern is in my way.

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